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I'm so excited for today I can't help myself.I got up early and readied myself for the day.I picked up some nice clothes putting it on, I quickly swung my bag over my shoulders

I ordered food from the cafeteria of the hotel I was staying on and checked out before taking the bus to school arriving 1 hour early.

I stopped in front of the school looking at the golden gates it's curves forming a majestic heart filled with various curves while being surrounded with shapes that formed humans, wolves, demons and other kinds of mythical creatures.I smiled taking a deep breath and took a step forward, the gates opened automatically as I went in and closing itself after.

"Wow...."I whispered amazed turning swiftly to face ahead.There were trees lining the cemented path.My steps making a cracking sound as I stepped on stones and pebbles along the way.I found myself in front of a dazzling fountain sparkling as the light hit it.

I moved closer placing my finger on to the shining substance not finding a single speck of dust on it "(In Korean)Hello, You're quite early"I jumped turning to the owner of the voice  activating my power and pointing it towards the person.

"(In Korean)Woah!Calm down now"He said raising his hand chuckling.He was a big person and he was musculant too he also had golden eyes his hair was darkish silver in color styled like those korean idols I watched on the internet, but what caught my attention the most is that he was wearing the schools uniform 'He's one of the students here!'I thought in realization

I quickly deactivated my power bowing as a form of apology "I'm so sorry!"I apologized bowing multiple times to show how much I regret doing that 'It's only been my first day and I've already made a fool of myself....ugh'

"(in Korean)It's okay don't worry"I looked at him confused.He looks at me with wide eyes before chuckling "Do you understand Korean?"He asked in English this time.I nodded my head in a 'No' looking away in embarrassment

"It's okay, I'm not really good at it myself either"He answered with a smile I looked at him returning the smile "Oh how rude of me, I'm Aragaki Shunnosuke"He introduced himself holding up his hand towards me,I smiled and shook it "Lilibeth Griffith's,Nice to meet you"

-New character-

<[*Aragaki Shunnosuke*]>

Age: 19
Gender: Male
Species: Magic user
Relationship: Acquainted

"I'll be helping you around the school today.I'll be leading you to the main building where we'll pick up your your class section, and if you'd like we could also assign you to a dorm room or we could purchase a few books for you"He said as he signalled me to walk with him and I obliged "I would like to get a dorm room,How much would it cost?"I asked as I ran catching up to him 'He walks pretty fast'I thought struggling to keep up with him.

He seemed to notice it and started slowing down his pace matching mine. "The dorms are free so there is need not to fret,All you have to do is bring your things.But there are a few rules you must not break.The person handling the dorm assigning will hand it to you after you request a dorm room"I nodded as I started to wonder how the dorm rooms will look like and who my dorm mates would be.

I stopped on my tracks as Aragaki suddenly stopped too.I looked at him worried "Is everything ok?"I asked he turned to me a small bead of sweat forming in the side of his forehead, he turned his eyes somewhere else avoiding eye contact "Umm...It seems that we...are....l-lost"He stuttered "Wait...What?"I asked starting to panick a bit

'This school is literally 5 times a size of a mall getting lost in it is the worst thing that could possibly happen, well except for getting in a fight and burning the school down.But that's different...wait, can this school be burned down?'I wondered my thoughts flying into a random topic.My train of thoughts we're suddenly interrupted when someone screamed

"(In Korean)Hey Gaki!"Me and Aragaki turned to the person. 'AH! Another big person!'I thought as I saw the man.He had dirty blonde hair, his eyes green with a mix of yellow at the bottom making him stand out, the side of his hair was shaved off with two lines going across it.His style screamed bad boy but his smile and the way he carries himself doesn't seems like he is a bad boy at all

"(In Korean)Lost again?"The person spoke walking up to Aragaki with his hands in his pockets looking down to him with a smirk plastered across his face "Gaki?"I asked bringing their attention towards me. "(In Korean)Who's this?"The person spoke pointing towards me "(In Korean)She's a freshman. Miss.Lilibeth this is Myung WoonJae, WoonJae Miss.Lilibeth Griffith's"Aragaki said, I didn't understand a single word that he spat out from his mouth

"(in Korean) Hello, it's nice to meet you miss Lilibeth"The new person spoke shaking my hand.I looked at him awkwardly chuckling "Oh right.She can't understand Korean"Aragaki stated making the guy turn to him then back at me. "Ah...Sorry for the minor confusion.I'm Myung WoonJae,It's nice to meet you Miss.Lilibeth"He introduced himself "It's nice to meet you too, and there is no need for such formalities you can just call me Lilibeth"I answered 'I'm surprised at how they good they are at speaking English' My mind once again drifting into its own wonderland


New Charcater-

<[*Myung WoonJae*]>

Age: 19
Gender: Male
Species: Magic User
Relationship: Acquainted

WoonJae asked us where we we're headed to and guiding us there.Turns out Aragaki isn't that fond of the way around the school or any place of that matter we laughed and joked a bit about it making our journey towards the main building faster.They helped me collect my dorm room number and even helped me carry my books towards the dorm laughing throughout our journey making it more fun.

They handed me my books as we arrived since they weren't allowed inside the girls dorms.I made sure to thank them before they leave handing them a biscuits that I've bought in the airport.They said that I didn't need to give them something in return but they ended up taking it with them.

I went into the front desk and gave her the sheet that showed that I requested a dorm room.She made me sign a couple of papers and gave me the keys to my dorm right after.I made it towards my dorm and found nobody there along with me.With a shrug I decided to make myself at home and unpack my belongings.Claiming the top bunk bed on the left side of the dorm.I contacted the movers and gave them my address informing them that I request for their help to move the boxes inside and all the other information I needed to give them.

Night time came and I got ready for bed.As I was about to sleep two girls went inside with luggages I was too tired to get up and introduce myself so I just quietly drifted to sleep.

Day 1 completed

You've met :
Aragaki Shunnosuke
Myung WoonJae

Your to do list :
Go to school ✅
Request Dorm Room ✅
Unpack belongings ✅
Contact the movers ✅
Finish the day ✅

"I dreamed about something last night...what was it?I'm sure it was something important"

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