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Julie squirms under the direct looks of the six vampires. She thinks that it would have been better to keep her mouth shut. Now she wonders if she'll be leaving this house alive.

"How the hell did you come up with that?" It isn't Adam but Aaron that demands an answer from her.

Julie shrugs, "I just added up everything I've noticed about Mr. Adam Demarco and Aaron Demarco." Julie decides that she better start giving them more respect and less attitude if she wants to survive.

Adam smirks and lets out a little chuckle.

At her look he lets the smirk drop and answers her unasked question. "No harm will come to you in this house, other than what has already come." Adam focuses his attention on the red hands of his guest. 

"Why are your hands red?" They hadn't been when he brought her here.

"The dish detergent you use doesn't seem to like me." Julie shrugs it off, it's no big deal.

But Adam becomes angry, his lips this down in anger. "Calm down, Adam." Aaron is the only one of his brothers that dares to speak at this point.

'I'm going to kill her.' Adam thinks and Aaron gives him a confused look.

'Who?' Aaron questions.

'Candy, she's the one that told Julie to clean, against my orders.' Adam responds, 'She's waiting for punishment in the living room. I'll be dealing with her after I finish answering Julie's questions.'

Julie doesn't like the silence that has fallen. There is a menacing feel to it and she wonders if maybe she won't leave this room alive.

Adam looks at her sharply. "Have I not assured you that you are safe here? You yourself told me that I am a man of my words."

"Am I a prisoner then? What are you going to do with me or rather to me?" Julie dares to ask him.

Adam sighs, she knows far more already than he'd planned on telling her. Now he sees no reason to not lay all his cards on the table, so to speak. "That first night we met, at the party, I had actually targeted you for my dinner. You are beautiful, a loner, and best of all, you weren't drinking. Yet, when I approached you, you managed to deny me. When I commanded you to come with me, you told me off.

"In all my years of life, that has never happened to me. In shock, I allowed you to get away. I told my brothers about you.

"They too became curious about you, it's not easy for a human to defy a vampire command and more rare for a human to defy one from a vampire as old as I.

"Aaron wanted to meet you, and I had already selected you as mine. So the night following the party we waited for you. When you got to us you once more defied my command and managed to continue doing so even after Aaron added his command to it.

"There aren't many vampires that could do what you did so effortlessly. 

"We followed you home after we smelled the fresh blood coming from you."

Adam has to stop to contain his anger at what he'd seen.

Aaron picks up the narrative, "We saw you when you took your top off.  The whip marks on your back. Adam was fit to be tied.

"Once you fell asleep you must have had naughty dreams about us, because we were able to enter the house."

"Wait, how'd you know that?" Julie demands shocked by his words.

"There are a lot of myths and nonsense about vampires out there, but one of the things they have right is that we have to be invited into a house. The invite doesn't necessarily have to be verbal and it doesn't have to be given by a conscious person. A dream, especially erotic ones can be used as an invite. You had to have been having erotic dreams about Adam and myself since we were both able to enter the house.

"Once there, Adam cut his wrist and had his blood mix with yours on your back. Immediately the wounds closed and even some of the newer scars were healed. Had you ingested his blood even the oldest of the scars would have healed." Aaron finishes his explanation.

"So you two pervs watched me undress then healed my back? I thought the whipping had just been a nightmare except I found dried blood on the shirt I had worn. There was no blood or pain from my back." They had watched her undress and seen her all but naked. She should be furious, but she's more curious as to why they are still interested in her. She isn't skinny by any means.

"Fuck," Adam says at her thoughts. "Aaron got me a cloth and water. I cleaned the dried and drying blood off of you. I should have thought about your shirt and the blood on it.

"The only reason I was able to control myself with you all but naked in front of me was because your wounds needed to be tended to.

"You aren't over weight or fat or whatever else overweight people are called now a days. A female is supposed to have a certain amount of fat on her. Without it she is unable to or finds it difficult to carry children to full term when she's pregnant.

"Most females like the death camp look. There is nothing sexy about skin pulled tight over bones. You have incredible curves and are one of the most beautiful females I've ever encountered. I'm including both races in there.

"Any one that has told you differently has done so out of jealousy and bitterness."

Julie is too stunned to say anything she just looks at Adam and can only blink. Slowly she looks over to Aaron and he nods to her, silently telling her that he agrees.

"I might not have seen you naked, or near naked like my older brothers, but I can assure you that you are one of the most beautiful females that I've met." Alex tells her.

Julie can only shake her head dismissing their compliments. For too long she'd had it beaten into her that she wasn't beautiful. She knows that she isn't ugly, but she never considered herself more than passable.

After all none of the boys at her school would ask her out.

Adam narrows his eyes, "Let me show you what I saw at the party as I was watching you."

Before Julie could tell him anything, she sees herself from across the room standing at the wall at the party. The look of utter boredom etched on her face. She hadn't realized that she had let it be so obvious.

She watches herself as she checks the time impatiently. Then watches as she marches onto the dance floor and pulls her friends Michelle and Judy to her and tells them to get to the car. She is more than a little pleased at how they reacted.

But its the looks of the males that she notices for the first time. There are looks of lust and desire on many of their faces. How did she not see that before? Or how did she miss the looks of jealousy from the females?

The scene ended and Julie just stares at Adam in shock.

"You are a very beautiful person, Julie. Never sell yourself short." Adam tells her succinctly. 

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