Chapter Two - Walking Home

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Lana's eyes slowly fluttered open. Her voice was nearly no more than a whisper, her hand reaching out weaky to touch him. "Lincoln..." - she breathed - "Is Lola ok?.."

Lincoln's face frowned. "I-I am not sure." He stammered sitting Lana upright. Lana hugged her brother, tears streaming down her face. "Is Lola going to be ok?" Lincoln pointed towards Lola's body. The boys must have dragged it into the grass.

"Lana....listen to me very closely..." He begain. "There was no way Lola could survive that fight..and even if she had, she would be parlizlied in a wheelchair, not being able to move or breath...I'm so sorry Lana...Lola's dead.."

Lana ran over to Lola's body. "NOOOOOO!" She shrieked, sounding like Lola, not like her usual growly voice. She hugged her sister, sobbing like their was no tomorrow. "Lola...what will I do without you?! I wouldn't be a twin anymore!" Lincoln approached her.

"Lana you will always be a twin, alive or dead. Now let's go home." Lana's eyes flashed with anger. "We can't just leave her here for animals to eat! She wod have hated that! We need to bury her at home."

Lana draped Lola over her back as if she was carrying Lily. Lincoln held her hand. "Let's go on home now."

Lana's POV:
It was a long walk home. My back was sore from carrying Lola, but I couldn't let the birds pick at her corpse. I desperately shooed off any bugs or birds that came near her. I even pulled of a bird's tailfeather! I feel terrible! I shouldn't be abusing animals...just to save my sister's corpse. I kept quiet the whole way back.

Lincoln's POV:
I'm wiping away tears as I gazed at Lana, holding Lola tight against her chest. I thought about how she never will be a pagent judge or a'll she never have kids of her own. She'll be a six-year-old in heaven forever. "It's going to be ok." I told myself. "I'll help get myself through this -- for Lana's sake." We approached the staircaes of Casa Loud. I held the door open for the twins. I prepeared myself for the tears.

I'm so lonely/nervous at summercamp XD. So I just write fanfictions. I can't promise but Chapter Three should be out tomorrow! Thanks so much for reading this! I'd like for this to be a popular story like "Corruption" by Mini_Crushies!

Votes are greatly apprechated! :)


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