Seulgi x Reader

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3rd Person PoV

It was Saturday, and it was the day when you decided to bring Seulgi to your parent's house.Besides, you were nervous what would be your mom reaction when you brought your girlfriend home.

"Y/N, please don't be nervous babe.If you are, I am going to be moreeeee nervous and scared," Seulgi whined as she saw your reaction as you were driving the car to your parent's house.

"Ahhh, I'm not nervous baby bear. Seeeee," You shaking your right hands in front of her face which make her laugh.You didn't know why you did that hands shaking up and down though.

"We are here," You told Seulgi as both of you arrived at the mansion.You opened the passenger door and Seulgi got out from the car.

She hugged your arms tightly which make you chuckled.How cute. You thought.You put your hands on Seulgi waist and then knocked on the door.

Suddenly, the door opened widely and showed your mom's face.You tried to hold your laugh as you looked at her who staring at you with a widened eyes.

"Mom? Are you there?" You moved your hands in front of her face as she was only standing there.


"MOM ! Relaxxx," You groaned as you saw her reaction.Seulgi giggled as she look at your mom and quickly bowed at her.

"You must be Y/N's girlfriend.Come on, let's go in," Your mom pulled Seulgi away from you and walked with her, leaving you alone at the door.

"Buuuuut how about me Moooom?" You pouted.

"Oh my lovely Y/N, walk by yourself," Your mom looked at you and laughed.You just shooked your head and went inside your house and well alone.

"Oh,welcome home Y/N,"Your dad hugged you as soon as he see you in the living room.

"Hi dad," You smiled as you hugged him back.

"Come on to the dining room,you guys must be sooooo hungry," You mom said sweetly as she brought Seulgi to the dining room.

=Timeskip since I'm lazy to do the dining room scene =3=

You sat with your dad in the living room while talking about some bussiness things.On the other hand, Seulgi was with your mom seating on the living room too.

"Geez, those two whenever they meet, they always talk about business thing.What a life,"Your mom shooked her head and then suddenly smiled at Seulgi.

"Seulgi my dear, Do you want to see Y/N childhood photo?" She grinned and Seulgi quickly nodded her head.Your mom walked to the shelves where she put the albums and brought it back to the living room and sat beside Seulgi.

Your mom opened the books and showed the photo to Seulgi when you were a kid.Seulgi thought you was cute when she saw your baby's photo.

Then,you suddenly heard she told Seulgi about your bad memories of childhood.

"Seulgi, do you want to know that Y/N pooped on their pants and then run all around the living room,Andddd their poop was on every single floor where they ran" You mom laughed out loud.

"Y/N also went to play outside with his/her friend but you know, Y/N WAS NAKED.When I want to catch them to make Y/N wear the clothes,Y/N ran away from me and say that they doesn't like to wear clothes.WHAT A WILD CHILD I HAVE," Your mom said out it loud and you groaned.

Seulgi just look at you and laughed which make you glared at her.Unfortunately, she just ignored it and shrugged her shoulder.

As you can't take it anymore,You quickly excused yourself and said to your parents that you wanted to show Seulgi your room.Your dad nodded and suddenly your mom shouted.

"DON'T DO ANYTHING WEIRD TO THAT GIRL Y/N," Anddd Your mom smirked and winked at you and Seulgi.

As you arrived at your room,you brought Seulgi on the bed and seat on it.However, you was quiet which made Seulgi felt weird about that.

"Y/N Babe? Are you okay?" Seulgi asked you as she leaned her head on your shoulder.

"No, Of course not! My mom told you my worst nightmare~" You whined.When Seulgi heard that she giggled and hugged you.

"It does not matter, because I love the way you are.Your bad childhood memories does not effect me anyway.Besides it was cute that-" You cut her off by kissed her lips, knowing that she was going to talk about the "poop" and "naked" child thing.

"Annddd When I meet your parents, I'm going to ask them reveal aaaalll your childhood nightmare," You smirked and wiggled your eyebrows.

"Heyyy ! That's mean," She pouted and punched your chest gently.

"Revenge is on their wayy~" You said to her teasingly and chuckled at her reaction.Then,you hugged her while having the excitement of meeting her parents next.

12th done 🔥

I actually was having fun writing this chapter tho 😂

Wheeeew,but I do hope you enjoyed the chapter 😜

Till next time guys 😇

Bye byeeeee 🤗

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