Amnesia [boy's POV]

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"I wish that I could wake up with Amnesia..."

I missed her.

I missed her so goddamn much. She was my best friend. She was my shoulder when I needed her. I was there for her. I was her saviour. I made her happy. I missed her smiles. I missed her dimples. I missed her flowing hair. I missed her piercing eyes. I missed her plump lips. I missed the way she call my name. I missed her laughs. I missed the way she crinkle her nose. I missed her puppy dog face, that she always used to do whenever she wants something. I missed the way she protested whenever I give her something. I missed her disapproving looks to me whenever I do pranks without her. I missed everything. She was my everything. She was mine.

I was about to pop the question to her. I was going to propose her. Ask her for her heart for the rest of our lives. I was about to kneel in front of her to ask her to marry me. To be my wife. Even though we're still young. But who says we can't?

She was the girl that made me nervous. She was the first girl I liked. She was the first girl I loved. But I always loved her.

She wasn't the cheerleader type neither emo, nerd or snobby. She was simple. She was kind. Shy and confident at the same time. Nevertheless simple. She was perfect. Words can't describe how beautiful she is. She even made the girls in our school shrink and make her the most attractive of them all.

I still remember the first day she step foot at the carnival where we both met each other by fate. She was wearing a simple blue polo shirt, pants and converses. She was laughing at what two guys beside her was saying. It was his brothers.

I met them already, Daniel and Dane. The twins.

We accidentally bump into each other when one of my friends pulled my shirt back wards making me bumped into her backwards. That's where I felt nervous and the blood rushing up to my cheeks. She just giggled at my awkward reaction. I smiled slightly also noticing her blush.

She became my best friend.

I trusted her so much and she did likewise.

We shared everything, we never hid something. Whenever we needed each to her, we would always clear our schedule just to give each other times.

But it was all crushed.

I knew his father was bad.

I know I should've liked his father because she was about to be my fiancé. But I didn't like one bit about him. He was fake, whenever I'm around his daughter he'd just plaster a fake smile and excuse himself out of the room to give us some privacy.

But I didn't blame him for everything that has already happened.

But I just like to think otherwise.

I mean he always like that rich and snobby kid that has been my ex-best friend. Jake. Jake was my ex-best friend who dated my little sister but he just dumped her after a date. He knew my sister had feelings about her but he just played with her, thinking that it's much more fun playing with others like toys.

I parked my car after seeing the carnival one last time after it was moved again and stepped out to grab a coffee from Starbucks. I grabbed my guitar to play a few chords.

I watched as a couple walked by the window I was sitting beside. Their happy smiles visible to anyone even if they're miles away, it was clear they are in love. I strummed chords of my guitar that I removed from the case.

I silently wished that I could just be like that again with the girl I love beside me smiling and looking at me, adoration visible in her eyes.

But those were done.

I stood up after giving myself a pep talk that I could never afford to be happy again. What for? To be crushed in the end? I put my guitar back to my case and stashed it behind my back.

I opened the door from Starbucks and adjusted my guitar case. I decided to walked towards the local park to remove myself from the same depressing thoughts that have been on my mind ever since.

But my hopes of moving on crushed when I saw her.

Her with him.

My heart clenched at the sight.

I wished I was the guy.

I wished I was the one making her laugh right now.

She was laughing slightly to what Jake told her. They were having the time of their lives, there is something in her eyes that told me something. But that something was soon ignored when he kissed her forehead. She tensed at first but relaxed. My vision blurred because of the tears that are being tempted to drop.

I turned around hastily and walked casually towards my car and decided to leave. Letting the tears drop when I reached home.

The next day when I woke up, I decided to call Daniel, since it's been... A year?

I shook my head and went through my contacts when I reached his name I dialed it.

"Hey man." Danny answered the phone, he seemed tired.

"Did I woke you up?"

"Nope. I'm wide awake."

"Good to know."

After a long and deafening silence, I heard shuffling, "How are you Luke?"

I rubbed my face, I expected it. I really expected him to ask especially because he was one of her brothers.

"Honestly," I swallowed my tears, "not so good. Everything is just a mess, I'm a mess!" I cried, "I miss her, I still love her, damn it!"

"Us too, we miss her." He sighed.

"What do you mean?"

"She left us, dad sent her away for that bastard."

I controlled my anger and took deep breaths. I didn't know that she hasn't communicated with them, I just assumed that she'd still be with them, after all, she was the only girl in their family. Heck, the youngest.

"Wanna go with us, tonight?" Daniel asked, hopefully. "It's her birthday after all."

I sighed, it's her birthday.

When she turned seventeen, I was there with her. But little did I know I was going to be dumped at the end of the night.

I can't risk seeing her tonight, seeing I haven't moved on. But she had moved on. So why is it hard for me to get over her if she easily got over me?

Because I truthfully love her.

This was all bound to happen fate just have to be so tricky and mean. I will eventually have to face her. To face my fear of breaking down seeing her happy. Not happy with me. But happy with another man.

It hurts to know she's happy. It hurts to know she moved on.

I nodded, and answered him after I realized I was stupid enough to think that he could see me.

"Yes. I'll see you there."

"Alright." He said, "But, are you sure?"

"Yes." and I hung up.

I let out a shaky breath and closed my eyes for a second.

When I opened them I looked down. And instantly regretted it.

I saw the picture of her and me eating chocolate cake as my wallpaper. She had chocolate all over her face while grinning at the camera. I was grinning back, my face full of chocolate as well. She sent me this because it happens that we used her phone as a camera because mine was dead.

Just seeing the picture made everything sad again. I felt lonely.

But I hoped I would get over soon.

I just hope.

Amnesia // 5SOS [ one shot ]Where stories live. Discover now