Chapter 33

501 34 31

Jack's P.O.V

The man's face looked smug as he leaned back in the chair, smirking as he scanned our shocked and betrayed faces. It took us a while to recover as none of us actually guessed that the sweet and laid-back professor was secret a snake in the grass.

"!" I finally exclaimed, "You were the enemy all along?!"

Mr. Connor tsked, shifting around his seat, "And I thought you were all bright and smart. Yes, dear boy. As I always say, keep your friends close, and your enemies closer."

Felix huffed, "How long have you been backstabbing us?"

"I dunno." The man said, feigning innocence

Before any of us can even comprehend what was going on, Mark - or rather, Dark - stepped forward and clamped a hand on the man's throat. His ruby-red eyes burned through his soul as he inwardly growled.

"You're one of the Alpha Demon's henchmen, aren't you?" Dark held his stoic face, "You better talk now...or else."

"Alright, alright, no need to get your tail in a twist," Mr. Connor smiled, yet it didn't quite reach his eyes as Dark pulled back and let Mark take control once more, seeing that his eyes turned the normal brown hue, "It all started when I first met you, Jack. When that Matthew Patrick guy and you were dragged into the Science room by that old shtick Varden, I knew all I had to do was to play that kind and naive professor card to win your trust."

"Did professor Vadren have a role in your plans?" MatPat inquired

"No no, other than being my puppet and take the blame for everything, and he doesn't even know it! Genius, right?"

Mr. Connor chuckled to himself before continuing, "The next part of my plan actually involved that bully, Zigo was his name, if I remember correctly. I ordered him to take out one of your friends and dig deep into your past, and after I finally stepped in and "saved" you, he told me everything I needed to know."

Ethan had cast their eyes downward as they were reminded of that awful memory and Tyler's expression hardened, fighting the urge to rock punch that jerk square in the face for making his friend endure that.

"I was the person in all-black who carried the sack across the open area. I knew you saw me there, Jack," he continued, "I was on a rush to hide and change quickly I was scared for a moment that you'd actually suspect that it was me because of that, but that poor Vadren just had to pick it up and, voila! The blame was lifted from me.". 

"Now that's all said and done, let's get to the fun stuff," Mr. Connor took a deep breath, "I was actually the one who hired Alvin and Arthur to kidnap your two Alementors, knowing that seeing that random strangers know your real name will immediately send you on edge. Who knew your determination to help others will actually be your downfall?"

I narrowed my eyes at the traitor as I calmed the bubbling pit of anger rising from my stomach, "Is that all?"

"Oh, I've done so much more behind the scenes," he said nonchalantly, "But there is one more crucial part."

He leaned forward on the chair to get a better look at me, "Pop quiz; what happened after your classes on your third day at the university?"

I contemplated on not answering his question, but after silence filled the room for three minutes straight, I guess he wouldn't continue if I hadn't told him the right answer. Sighing to myself, I began to ponder on what happened on that day.

"Weren't you, Marzia and Felix going to the latter two's apartment when a crazed Alementor attacked that day?" Anti mentioned

A mentally muttered an 'ooh' before repeating what my demon had said to Mr. Connor, the man was more than delighted as his eyes shined bright with intent, and a horrible feeling in my stomach started to arise.

"Yes, you remembered! In all actuality, I ordered that crazed Alementor to attack you outside the school campus. Your fight with it was to test your strength and for us to observe what tactics you have so that our secret weapon will defeat you once and for all!" his smirk widened even more, "Operation Revenge, phase three; Engage."

As soon as he said that, I was suddenly picked up and flung across the room, breaking through the window before flying over half of the open area. I managed to save myself from hitting the ground and probably break my bones by conjuring up a tornado to break my fall in the nick of time, but a punch then collided with my stomach, knocking the air out of my lungs and sending me on the ground.

I cough a few times, trying to regain my breath as I took a glance at who my attacker might be, but suddenly all the air got caught in my throat.


He raised his arm upwards, and a fireball appeared on his palm. He looked at me with his signature serious expression, yet his eyes betrayed him and showed a slight tinge of...regret?

"I'm sorry, Anti."


Hey cubs!

Don't you just love plot twists and cliffhangers? :)

I would like to clarify that Prof. Vadren doesn't know that he was being used by Connor (not the android sent by Cyberlife) and the reason for his hate towards Jack...will be revealed in the future chapters ;) But don't worry! There's roughly five more chapters left, I think, and then all of this will be over! *chokes back sobs*

But anyway, *cough*, question time!

What mythical creature/s do you wish is/are real? For me, DRAGONS, man!

That's all and I'll see ya in the next chapter!

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