Dan's POV
Lani was turning around as she slept with the apparent nightmare she has. I placed my arm around her waist."Hey, don't worry. I'm here." I whispered and she calmed down. I woken up because of the laughter outside the stage. The mic went on and all of us were awake. We listened to what was happening outside."Almal, welkom vir Jo Black op die verhoog om Jesus week af te skop." The principal said.(Everyone, welcome Jo Black to the stage to start of Jesus week). Lani took off the bandage on her leg and saw the cut was healed."How did heal so fast?" Mr. Marcel asked shocked."Just one of my new abilities." Lani said as she placed the shirt down on the floor."Dan, how did you sleep without your shirt?" Lani asked."It doesn't matter. What matters is that we need to get out of here." I said and she nodded. Soon after music started to play and everyone was cheering outside. This guy doesn't sing bad.(Song above. Translation isn't on the internet and it would probably sound stupid if I translate it. All I can say the song is about that you are not alone and that life has his courses. The song is named Nooit Alleen. It means never alone. I'll try to translate it at the end of the the chapter, if not at the end of the book)The song was so beautiful but it was interrupted by them."The seven of you aren't going anywhere." I turned to see Agent O and K. They came in the cell and they both grabbed me. Lani tried to get them asay from my but K scratched her over her eye. I grew angry as I punched K in the gut and O in the face and they let me go. I dashed out the cell to grab a blaster laying there on the table but A somehow forced me on the experimenting table and the cuffings were automatically around my wrist. I looked at Lani. Her eye was twitching in anger. Danny was trying to find a way out."Ah, would you look at that. I wonder who experimented on you before." A said as she saw my bare chest with the light Y mark on my chest."You won't get away with this!" I shouted as I tried to break the cuffs only to tire my arm. A smiled at me sweetly but evilly and she grabbed the scalpel. She pressed it in my chest and I was screaming."Gaaaahhhhh!!" I hissed."I like you already. You don't scream the roof of like those two." A said. I couldn't see Lani but I could see Danny. He was pressing himself into the wall and he stared wide eyed at Lani's direction.
Suddenly there was a purple light. My eyes widen. Lani is now extremely angry."What is happening back there?" A asked as she turn around.
Normal POV
Lani screamed and her hair was burning a bright fire like and it actually made a hole in the roof. The students and teachers outside screamed."What was that?!" Someone shouted."SAM!! TUCKER!!!" Danny shouted and Sam and Tucker pushed everyone out of the way and jumped into the hole."Hey, leave him alone!!" Sam shouted as she used her vines to tangle a shell shocked Agent A in a sticky situation. The vines threw outside through the hole. Lani ran to Dan and broke the bindings."Dan!" Lani hugged him."Are you okay?" Lani asked."Yeah. Are you?" Dan asked."Yeah, just feel a little weak." Lani said."Okay. Let's get the teachers out and expose those agents." Dan said and Tucker broke the lock on the teacher's cells. Sam placed four seeds on the ground and she waved her hands over it and it grew big flowers."Okay, I'll lift us all up. Everyone step on." Sam said and the four teachers got on a flower and got pushed up.Immediately Agent K, O and A aimed blasters at them."You won't get away this!!" Tucker shouted."Yeah!!" The rest of the team shouted. Everyone took cover from this fight but not far since it looks like humans fighting not Halfas against idiots. Dan was fighting Agent K while Sam and Tucker was fighting Agent O. Lani and Danny was taking the head."You wouldn't want to hurt a human, would you?" A asked."All I'm seeing in front of me is a monster." Lani said and Danny made the first attack.
Lani's POV
Jo Black was against the wall. He couldn't go anywhere. Agent A saw that I was trying to take the fight somewhere else so he could escape. Soon his brother tried to get him out of there but Agent A pointed her lazer at them."NOOO!!" I shouted as I came between them and created my shield."KOM UIT HIER NOU!!"(Get out of here now!) They looked at each other terrified and then ran to where the principal was hiding. I pushed my shield forward and Agent A collasped only to jump back up. She continued to pull out her blaster to shoot at Danny and I regularly but we used stuff such as the walls, railings and the roof to our advantage.

Danny Phantom In South Africa!
FanfictionDanny, Sam, Tucker, Lani and Dan goes on a field trip to South Africa where Lani is from and what happens when a ild enemy returns. Sequel to The Return Of Danny Phantom. I suggest you go read Danny Phantom:Inside Danny's Mind first then The Return...