Night 1

75 7 1

"Where are you?"

"Next to a tree"

I looked up, inhaled deeply and looked at my phone again. 

"We're in a forest"

A few seconds later, the screen of my phone lit up: I had received a text message from an unknown number. "Your text could not be delivered. Please try again later", it read. A deep sigh left the bottom of my lungs. My eyes were scanning the dark to hopefully come across a silhouette. I squeezed my eyes so hard my lids were almost shut, but at least, I could spot some shapes.


My heart skipped a beat. I turned around to face Michael, his lips twisted in a slight smirk. "How did you find me", I asked him as he walked towards me. He inhaled and simply answered: "Your smell". I descreetly lifted my arm and sniffed a few times to try to smell the scent that made him find me: nothing. "I had a shower twenty minutes ago", I argued. He stared at me, a puzzled look appearing on his face. "... Yay?", he replied after a short pause. I couldn't understand how he could pick out my smell without me having a distinct odor, but I didn't even try to know.

"So... Why are we here", I asked as I caught him looking at the top of the trees. The sky was dull; we could barely see any stars. Some bits of my hair starting flying around, along with the motion of the howling wind. Michael didn't answer anything for a few seconds and kept staring at the heights. "I wanted to show you around", he said once he was back in reality, in a tone that made me feel like he knew this place better than anyone else. "This place is like home to me", he added quietly. Well, now that speaks for itself! "Before anything...", he started, "Are you scared of the dark?". I snorted. "I waited for you in the dark for 10 minutes, don't you think I would've ran away if I was that scared?", I replied. His voice sounded really serious when he added: "It's not the right time to tell me lies". He clumsily grabbed my hand as my knuckles cracked a little under the pressure of his fingers. From the pale tone of Michael's skin, I would've expected his body to be cold, but his palm turned out to be almost excessively warm. He led me towards the depths of the forest until we reached a point where the trees had suddenly stopped growing. We sat down. He was still holding my hand, and I will confess it somehow reassured me. After a short pause, he broke the silence:

"So... Have you been told about these two dudes?", he asked. I blankly stared at him and blinked a few times, waiting for him to explain himself. "You're gonna think I'm crazy, but-", he started when I stopped him. "You asked me on a date at 9pm in a forest; that kinda speaks for itself", I joked. He smiled and unexpectedly stroke the back of my hand with his tattooed thumb. "Apparently, two dudes recently came out of nowhere. No one knows where they live, and no one has seen them. They're basically like mythical creatures: no one knows who they are nor what they're doing here, but we believe they exist", he whispered. I didn't know why he was being so quiet, but I didn't have a reason to be, so I enthusiastically asked more information about them. Michael quickly covered my mouth. "Charlie!", he stopped me. "What's wrong? Why are we whispering", I asked quietly.

A voice I had never heard before answered. "That's why", it said. I turned around: no one. "Michael, what was that?!", I asked, panicked. My hands were shaking as he rubbed his thumb along my veins to calm me down as much as he could. His eyes lit up a little; I think I almost saw them sparkle. "What was that? More like, who was that", the voice kept saying. "Michael, can you hear it too", I shouted. He wouldn't reply. "MICHAEL, WHY AREN'T YOU SCARED", I asked as I was getting genuinely scared. "Michael, you should've told her", another voice said. I turned around again, this time, a silhouette appeared through the dark. I could tell whose it was: Ashton, Michael's best friend. "SHOULD'VE TOLD ME WHAT", I kept shouting.

"Meet the Oblitus", Ashton whispered. "Two guys from Sydney. They were in a plane when it got crashed. It is believed they're the only ones who survived", he explained. "We are", the voice said. "WHY AM I THE ONLY ONE FREAKING OUT HERE?", I screamed as I started crying. "They survived but they woke up with amnesia", Michael softly said, his voice relaxing me a little, "And now they can communicate with people through their minds". I kept breathing heavily, although my heart wasn't racing as fast as it used to.

"They're Luke and Calum. And they're the Oblitus".

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