Chapter 6

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Lydia's outfit^I'm starting from their date bc why not🤷🏼‍♀️

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Lydia's outfit^
I'm starting from their date bc why not🤷🏼‍♀️

I was getting ready for my date with Sweetpea,when Betty walked in to my room looking nervous I looked at her with concern " by B what's wrong?you look scared" I asked her she looks at me and takes a deep breath " I got a call" she said and I nodded at her to continue
" and it was from the black hood" she told my eyes grew wide" what! Are you okay? Did he say something? What did he say?" I asked my sister worried for her safety she gave me a small smile" I'm fine he just told me things no one else really knows so that proves that he's lurking around every corner" she told me and I nodded " well I wish I could help you tonight but I have a date!" I told her excitedly she immediately looks at me with a smile and asks"who is he?" I looked at her nervously "um he's actually a serpent and his names Sweetpea" I told her not making eye contact Incase of her reaction "what?!" She exclaimed and I winced at the sound"you're going on a date with a serpent! Lydia they're dangerous and I heard from Jughead that Sweetpea has a violent temper" she practically yelled I just looked at her half seriousness and half hurt " oh so you can date a serpent but I can't go on a date with one? And they're not as dangerous as everyone makes them seem! Oh and Sweetpea may have a temper but he has never yelled or screamed at me or looked like he wanted to hit me! And how many times did I support yours and jugs relationship when everyone else didn't" I said with hurt in my voice and her face softened but I continued " Betty....Sweetpea makes me really happy. Hanging out with Toni and fangs makes me really happy. I'm sorry that you don't support me like I supported you but with or without your consent I'm going on this date and I'm not gonna quit hanging out with them and if you think I am then you've got another thing coming"I told her ,she was about to say something when there was a knock at the door " that's probably Sweetpea" I said grabbing my purse and phone
I got down the
Stairs and their he was..leather jacket and all. I smiled and he smiled back " you look gorgeous" he told me and I couldn't help the blush that came across my cheeks " thank you " I said
"Are you ready to go?" He asked I nodded and we left.
3rd person
Little did the soon to be couple know Betty was watching the entire exchange with a smile, finally seeing and realizing how happy Sweetpea made her sister.

Lydia's POV

We got on Sweetpea's motorcycle and left,the air was cold while we were driving but I just held on tighter to sweetpea to get some warmth. When we finally stop I look up to see that we're at Pop's
I got off Sweetpeas motorcycle and we walked in Pop came out and looked at us with a smile"hey there kids! Go ahead and pick a booth I'll be there shortly" he told us and we nodded while going to a booth, I looked around there were a few people here,some were staring at us bc he's a serpent. Sweetpea looked at me and noticed everyone staring " you know if you don't want to be stared at or seen with me you should've just said no to the date" he said a little angry and a little hurt ,I just looked at him and smile
" you wanna know what I think when I'm with you and people stare?" I asked and he nodded
" I think let them stare bc I'm happy and their stupid opinions don't matter" I told him and he smiled at that. Pop them came of to take our order " I'll get the vegan platter but with two sides of the cup of fruit and my milkshake that I made" I told him and he smiled and wrote it down he then looked at Sweetpea " well I was gonna just say the same as her but never mind" he said as Pop and I laughed " so I'll have a cheeseburger with everything on it with French fries and a vanilla milkshake shake" Sweetpea told pop, Pop wrote down his order then went to make it. Sweetpea looked like he really wanted to say something."Hey are you okay? Is something wrong?" I asked him,he looked at me in complete seriousness " do you actually care about me like you said you did or were you lying because I've had people on my life say that and then next thing I know they left" he told me, I looked at him,grabbed his hands and smiled" Of course I actually care about you Sweetpea! And I promise I will never leave you okay." I told him and he smiled and nodded at me.Pop then came With our food and we enjoyed the rest of our date with a bunch of laughs and smiles.
While Pop was making Lydia's and Sweetpea's food he looked over at them and smiled at the obvious love for one another. He's seen Sweetpea around Pops a few times and has noticed that he's a hard boy(in more than one way😏😜 jk) barely shows any emotions but anger but the Sweetpea he saw tonight was different he was actually Sweet, and it was all because of Lydia Cooper.
Lydia's POV
After we were done eating Sweetpea decided to take me to the whyte wyrm because he asked me if I wanted to go but I told him I didn't know what it was so he decided to take me there, we got on his bike and drove to the whyte wyrm when I got of Sweetpea's bike and looked at the bar I was a little shocked at house nice it was since everything else on the Southside isn't as..nice.
Sweetpea saw my face and laughed,I started laughing with him and we walked into the bar with him casually wrapping his arm around my shoulders before we do, when we walk in we get a lot of stares from people probably bc I'm a northsider and Sweetpea is...well Sweetpea.
We made our way towards Toni and fangs who were at a table and sat down."so..what do you think of the Wyrm?" Fangs asks me, I look at him" I really like it" I tell him with a big smile and they all laugh at my answer. Sweetpea keeps looking at the pool table thinking I don't notice but I do "you do realize you can go play pool right?" I asked him surprising him because he thought I didn't see him look back " yeah but-" he started it I cut him off " but nothing go play with fangs while I talk to Toni okay?...oh and win a few or more rounds for me" I tell him he looks confused at the part when I told him to win for me " what do I get if I win?" He asked I just looked at him with a smirk and said
"Well if you win you'll find out" his eyes widened and he quickly took fangs to the pool table and they started playing. I turned back to Toni who had an amused smile on her face " I've never seen sweetpea get like that when a girl talked to him the the way you did" she said laughing I giggled " I have that effect on him" I say with a smile. She looked at me "so are y'all a thing yet?" She asked me, my eyes widened " we just had our first date tonight Toni" I told her laughing as she looked disappointed that sweetpea and I weren't together yet and I just laughed at her.
A few hours later
A few hours have passed and I'm tired like to the point I'm gonna pass out if I stand up, I see Toni go over to the pool table and tell sweetpea something, he looked at me then quickly walked over to me I picked my ready up as he sat down next to me,shoulder to shoulder " Toni told me you were getting tired" he said with what seemed like guilt " no I'm okay if you want to play some more pool" I tell him, he shakes his head " no come on we can go back to my trailer okay" he told me, I nodded but still stayed sitting he looked at me confused
" come on" he told me I looked at him with so much tiredness in my face " will you carry me?" I asked him my voice laced with exhaustion,his face softened at that and he nodded walking over to me and picking me up bride style, as he was walking we got stares of shock because of how soft he was being towards me since he was known to be rude and a bit of a dick, I looked over at the pool table and saw Toni and fangs looking at us with smirks before we got out the door. sweetpea took me to his trailer,when I got off his bike, sweetpea picked me up bride style again and walked us to his door after he opened it he walked inside and sat me on the couch. I yawned and lied down on the couch while sweetpea went to grab something and slowly dozed off.
Sweetpea's POV!!!

After I sat Lydia on the couch I went to get her a t-shirt to sleep in, but when I waked back into the living room I saw that she was already asleep so I quickly changed her without looking which was pretty hard and then I picked her up and took her to my bed so she could sleep. I looked at her.. damn how could such an angel like her fall for a serpent like me? I lied down in the bed with her and she snuggled up into my body,I smiled at how gorgeous she was and with that I went to sleep.

Okay everyone her it is I hoped you liked it I wanted to have a whole chapter just to their date and you also got a little Sweetpea POV! Comment if you want more of his POV also comment if y'all want another date soon and also I wanted to ask if y'all wanted me to do the episode where SSH shuts down and all the serpents go to RH or just keep going how I am? So comment on that too thanks byee!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 16, 2018 ⏰

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