Punk! Dirk Strider x Reader. Lip Ring.

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(Name) was mainly known by everybody, that meaning she wasn't just popular in one group. She was average. Known by some populars, known by some nerds, jockies and cheerleaders, the druggies and skaters. She had friends from everywhere. She was a likable person.

Don't forget pretty much beautiful....but she didnt flaunt it around. Guys noticed this and took a liking to her quickly.

Last, the school punks.

And she caught the eye of the most popular one. The leader of the group.

Dirk strider.

His platinum blond hair with a single orange steak in it. Black tank top with a spiked leather jacket over. Ripped jeans tucked into black leather boots. Chains hanging from the belt loops. Lastly, a silver lip ring that stood out, but looked good.

Continuing on.

You are now you.

Today wasn't one of your best days. Your dad was drunk again last night so he had to stay In at home. That ment he couldn't drive you. You didn't mind walking, but you did mind it if it was pouring rain. You didn't mind getting soaked but you did mind if it ruined your homework.

You got to school and were immediately greeted by your good friends.

Dave, John, Jade and Rose.

"Sup?" "Hello!" "Hi (cute nick name)!!!" "Hello (Name)"

"Hey guys." They all looked over you with a questioning look. But Dave, your closet friend out of the group understood what was going on. "Your soaking wet! That's not good! But don't worry! I got some extra cloths for you in my locker! I'll go get them!" Jade quickly left the group to get the change of cloths. "Um.....is it just me or does she always know what's going to happen.."

"It's all of us."


You sneeze. But in not the loud annoying ones, or the small cute ones. It just...a sneeze. You feel something being wrapped around you. You look and see a black leather jacket. You instantly knew who it was from. Dave didnt like this one bit and was sending his older brother a death stare under his shades.

"Wouldn't want princess to catch a cold now huh?" Some guys laughed and chuckled.


"The one and only babe."

"Bro, go back to where you fucking came from. You don't need to be messing with (name)." Dave tried keeping his voice steady but anger could be heard seeping through his voice.

"Hmm......*taps chin for a second* nah. I'd rather be with princess." He wrapped and arm around your waist pulling you closer. You gave a light yelp and tried to get out of his hold. Dirk was about to say something until your hero came.

"(Name)! I got your clo-why is Dirk here?"

The group was quiet until you wiggled out of dirks hold grabbing the cloths from Jade. "Thanks for the cloths Jade! See you all later!" You rushed out of there heading to the bathroom.

".............." Was the only thing heard in the group. John cleared his throat looking at dirk and his friends. "It is best to get to your classes, we have first period free today and you don't."

Dirk only shrugged leaving with his friends. Without you there was no reason for them to all be together.

*time skip to you changing*

You finished chanting out of your wet clothes with a sigh. You had on a (f/c) color baggy tank top with ripped shorts. You look over and see the jacket on the counter.

Punk! Dirk Strider x Reader. Lip Ring.Where stories live. Discover now