Season 2 Continued

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    The Cuthberts have just gotten back to Avonlea after Sabastian's wedding, and Anne is happily walking down the wooded path to school. She comes to a fork in the path in the midst of her daydreaming, only to hear the welcome sound of Gilbert Blythe's voice. 

"Anne! Hi. It's so nice to see you!"

"Hello, Gilbert; you as well! Have you come back so soon with Sabastian?"

"Ah, no, he's staying back in the bog for a while to help pack things up. I offered to help, but he sent me back so he could spend some quality time with the new missus I imagine."

"Oh, how sweet! Oh, to feel so passionately about someone that you want to spend every waking moment with them! What a beautiful enigma! *sigh* I love love, don't you?!"

"Um... I suppose I do," Gilbert regards hesitantly. He smirks and lays his gaze on Anne. Anne looks down, embarrassed. "Shall we?" Gilbert indicates to the path ahead.

"Indeed we shall!"

They walk in awkward silence for a few moments. Anne looks off to the side while Gilbert sneaks a glance at her. He looks down with a smirk. Anne loses her footing and falls into Gilbert's shoulder. He grabs her opposite arm and laughs, Anne looking up at him wide-eyed and clutching his arms. 


" No need to apologize. Are you alright?"

"Yes, I am, thank you." They stare at each other for a moment before Anne comes to the embarrassing realization that she is still holding onto him, and him to her. She quickly releases her grasp and situates herself while Gilbert watches in amusement. She starts walking in haste, and Gilbert quickly catches up to follow her. 

"So... How are things at Green Gables?" 

"Oh, just marvelous! Everyone seems to be in high spirits lately. Let's see... I've, um, been practicing my vocation by teaching Jerry how to read and write which is quite fun. And Marilla has shown me how to make the most delectable sweets that are just to die for!"

"I'll have to try them sometime."

"That would be lovely." She opens her mouth to speak only to be interrupted by the most unwelcome of voices behind her. 

"Hey! Look what we have here. Dr. Gilbert and the dirty mutt. Guess orphans have to stick together, huh?"

"Go away, Billy," Anne demands.

"What was that, dog? Arf! Arf, arf! Careful Gilbert, get to close and you'll catch fleas!"

"You have no right to talk about Anne like that! Or haven't you learned from our last encounter?!" Gilbert exclaims, his cheeks flushed with rage. Anne silently swoons at his gallant defense from behind.

"Oh please, you caught me off guard. And you wouldn't want to hit me with your little girlfriend watching, now would you? Why do you even bother with that ugly piece of garbage, anyway?"

Gilbert drops his books and starts toward Billy in an angry haste.

"Wait, Gilbert, no!" Anne snatches his arm to hold him back. "Please don't do this, he's not worth the effort. Let us be on our way and not stoop to such low and heinous levels!"

Gilbert shuts his eyes and clenches his jaw in an attempt to control his anger. He looks to Anne with searching eyes, whilst she looks at him with pleading ones.

"Listen to the dog, pal. You wouldn't want to end up like your father." 

Gilbert whips his head around, but Anne is the first to spring in action. She trumps forward and swings her belt of books upon Billy's face, putting each in a state of bewilderment.

 "You little-" Billy forcefully shoves Anne into a tree, sending Gilbert bounding towards him in a blind rage. Billy kicks Anne with ferocity before noticing his sudden doom. Stricken with fear, he attempts to scurry. Unfortunately for him, it was all too late before Gilbert pounces on him like a hungry lion. Gilbert tackles him to the forest floor and punches him repeatedly. Anne struggles to get up and cries out in pain. Gilbert looks towards her with a pang of concern. Billy takes the opportunity to shove him off and get the upper hand. He punches Gilbert once before getting stuck in a two-sided death grip. Anne finally manages to get up and grab a thick branch. She thwacks it over Billy's head, allowing Gilbert to push him off and kick him while Billy clutches his head in pain. Gilbert jumps atop of Billy with a forceful knee to the stomach and throws punch after punch at the helpless bully. 

"Gilbert! Gilbert, that's enough! You've won!"

"It's not about that, Anne! He hurt you!"

This sends Anne into silence. She wonders how someone could ever care so much for her. She recalls Cole's surprising words back at the train station; 'You know Gilbert has a crush on you, right?'. Could it really be true? No one had ever had a crush on her. She walks over to Gilbert numbly, kneels down, and lays a gentle hand on his shoulder. He stops cold and looks at Billy, bloody and unconscious under his forceful hand. He looks at Anne with bright, guilty eyes. They stare at each other in shock. Gilbert slouches back with a heavy sigh and tear-brimmed eyes.

"I'm sorry," he croaks. 

"I know." 

Gilbert brings himself back to reality and his eyes widen with worry. "Oh, God, Anne. Are you alright?" He gets off an unconscious Billy and kneels down with her to survey her injuries. 

"Not really. I can't move my arm and it hurts as if it's been crushed under a giant stone," Anne admits. "Are you okay?"

"Never mind me. I think your arm might be broken."

"Answer my question," Anne demands. Gilbert looks at her in frustration and says, slowly;

"I'm fine. Now, this is no time to be stubborn. May I see?" He indicates to her arm. Anne gives up nods. He gently holds her small arm and tries to move it.

"Ow, ow, ow!" 

"Sorry! Alright, it's definitely broken. Um, I'm going to have to immobilize it."

"Yes doctor Blythe," Anne teases. Gilbert attempts to look annoyed, but smirks and laughs instead. He searches the area for something to use, then looks down and starts to take his belt off.

"Gilbert," Anne exclaims. "What are you doing?!"

"Just trust me." He kneels down, belt in hand, and looks at Anne. "Uh- may I?" He indicates to her arm. She nods once more. He fastens the belt around her shoulder and placed her arm in the make-shift sling. Anne winces. His face tightens apologetically. "Okay, let's get you up." He grabs her opposite arm and they both rise. He places his arm on her back and holds onto her good arm as they start to walk back to Green Gables. 

"I can walk just fine on my own, you know."

"Oh, ah, right. Sorry." 

"....Thank you for defending me. No one's ever done that for me. I'll be forever grateful."

"No problem. Saving red-heads is kinda my thing." They both laugh.

"You are my knight in shining armor... I could've taken him, though. Just for the record."

"Sure. It looks like you had everything under control there." Anne rolls her eyes and he laughs. They continued walking in a nervous silence, each sneaking a glance at one another in admiration and curiosity. Just wait til' Morilla finds out. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 15, 2018 ⏰

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