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Davids POV:

i open the door and i see-

D: what the fuck are you doing here!?

she opens her mouth to begin talking but i cut her off

D: no corinna you need to leave, im tierd of your bullshit and i already told you i need to wait for liza, so leave now before i call the cops on you!
C: okay im sorry

i lead her towards the door, i open it revealing the outside, as she steps outside she turns back towards me, she quickly grabs my face and pulls me into a kiss, i dont kiss back but she grips onto me so i dont let go, i hear sudden sniffles causing me to pull corinna off of me fully

L: i-i thought you would w-wait for me
D: liza,i swear on my life it was nothing, she kissed me but i didn't kiss back, i am waiting for you but corinna wont accept it, im so sorry

i turn towards corinna looking her dead in the eyes with anger flashing thru them

D: i told you to leave! stop fucking up everything! i told you already, i love liza and im waiting for her! accept it already and go crawl up on todd's dick! just leave me the fuck alone!

corinna starts crying and leaves, as she walks to her car its like a walk of shame

L: i came to tell you something.
D: oh- um- o-okay come inside

i say opening the door wider for her, she kindly accepted it and carried isabella inside as well, we walk towards "the cloud" and sit as i wait for her to speak

D: so why are you here?
L: before i say it, i want to let you know, no matter of you want it or not, im keeping it, and thats final.
D: okay,what is it?
L: im pregnant

she says as she pulls out 2 of the white test, one with a bubbly pink lid,and the other with a dark blue lid, my jaw drops as she reaches out to give me the test and analyze them

D: um i-im uh

i look down at them to find in fact, the 2 lines on one of them, and the faded "pregnant" on the other

D: so, y-your pregnant, and i-im gonna be a dad, and we're having a baby together?
L: well yea basically, if you want i have extra test and i can go take one
D: if you would want to, please

she picks up her bag and searched thru it, before pulling out, two different types of brands, on box with a pink outline, with the "first response" logo slapped onto the front inside the white middle filling, and another with, a whole blue box with a simple pink strip going thru it, with a "clear blue" symbol printed onto the top, she looks up at me

L: im gonna go take these now

i simply nod as she gets up and walks towards the bathroom, a few minutes later she walks back into the room as i play with isabella

L: uh we have to wait 5 minutes

she says in a low tone

D: liza, i believe you, i just want to make sure, i dont want to get tricked again

she nods in a understanding way, we hear the timer go off and she gets up to go get the test, she walks back with the pink and blue lids on them, she walks towards me, sitting next to me, slightly face my direction, as she picks up isabella, sitting her lightly onto lizas lap as isabella just plays around with her stuffed bunny, liza hands me the test as i just look at them, im gonna be a dad, i have elizabeth koshy pregnant, i jump up and pick them up, as i jump around in excitement, i attack liza's face with kisses, leaving one on every place on her face, i give isabella a simple kiss on the check and her little bitty hand, she giggles thru it all

L: why are you crying?

i didnt even notice the liquid called tears going down my face

D: im just so happy
L: awww bubba

she says kissing me

D: so are we back together or?
L: i dont know, you havent asked me or anything sooo..
D: elizabeth koshy will you be my girlfriend?
L: yes i will

we kiss and as our lips connect isabella starts clapping and giggling

D: wait, how far are you?
L: around 3 months
L: yea, i found out about a week after we, um yea, and then i just never reached out because i still needed space, but i cant ever get rid of you because your little sperm was swimming inside of me, so im sorta stuck with you forever
D: yea you are

i say as i leave more sloppy kisses onto her face, isabella starts crying so we pick her up and i sit her on my lap, she starts to lean towards liza and started patting her belly

D: there's a baby in there

isabella starts giggling and jumping as she just plays around and acts crazy for the rest of the night as we watch "ice age"

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