-Silent frames-

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I stood by the bus stop. I needed to get to the post office as soon as possible.

My phone rang; it was Claudine.
"hey, what's up? ", I shifted my weight.
"I'm good. Just decided to check up on you ", she sounded tired.
"oh, yeah. Thanks. ", I was thrilled she cared about me "how's your brother doing? "
"he's fine. ",she paused a little "I miss you Leo"

There was a noise to the far end of the platform.
"I'll call you later ok? ",and with that I rushed to see what had caused the noise.

There was a girl sprawled on the floor. Her skin golden like the rays of the sun, her black hair tied neatly into a bun.

I bent to a squat and tapped her shoulder. Nothing.
"uhm, hey are you okay?", I wasn't sure what she was doing on the floor. She didn't look injured to me.
"I'm fine ", I heard her say.
"okay then ", I stood up and turned to leave when I heard her mutter a "help me up"

I stretched out my hand and she took it. Her palms as soft as wool and her stance was like a queens; graceful in every sense of the word.

Her eyes met mine and I was lost for a moment or two.
"snap out of it. ", she gestured by snapping her fingers in my face "the bus is here"

I was somewhat taken aback by her attitude. I mean, who did she think she was? I trailed behind her and got on the bus.
She told the driver, "my boyfriend is paying for me " and walked past. I had to summon up courage to control myself.
Don't let her get to you.

"what was that for?", I barked when I reached her.
"what was what for?", she had pulled out TeenVogue and was brushing past the pages, like she had read it before.
" don't play dumb. The stunt that you pulled back there", I was furious with this annoying but very beautiful girl.
"Oh,that. Well aren't you a gentleman",she said with sarcasm sitting on top her voice.

I was mute. I couldn't quite place this girl right.
Who was she?where was she coming from? Where was she going? Why was she doing all this?

"what's your name tho? ", I asked, breaking the silence building between us.
"I don't tell strangers my name ", she retorted.
"but I'm not a stranger, am I? ", I winced.
    She gave me a glassy look before saying " no you're not. The name's Haleriz"
"that's a nice name", I said. "Rare, if I may add"
"thank you ", she let her cheeks flush a little. It was a sight to behold.

Silence engulfed us again.
"Driver", Haleriz called out, "my stop"
"you're going? ", I questioned.
"yeah, I'll see you around ", she planted a kiss on my cheek and alighted from the bus.

My head was spinning as I reached the post office. To my surprise, I saw Emma and Emily.
"heyyy", I walked up to them
"hi", Emma replied. Emily just nodded her head "How're you? "
"fine. What's up with her? ", I said, referring to Emily .
"oh, you know. Emotional stress", Emma vouched for her "she'll talk to you later"
"oh, yeah. Sure", I sounded very unsure myself "what brings you here though "
"I have a letter to mail to my grandma "Emma took out her stamp "why are you here? "
"I'm mailing a parcel to my aunt", I replied, getting my own stamp out.

We stood in awkward silence.

"Dean says hi", I lied.
"yeah, because he can't call me right?", she hissed.
"no he doesn't mean it like that ", I tried covering up
"when he's ready to talk, he should look for me", Emma walked out on me.

"bye", I called out but she was already afar off.

Thank you all for the support this book is getting. I appreciate a lot. 😁

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Ps: There has been a  slight mistake in the order of the book, The chapter titled -Silhouettes- is after -Lost- and not otherwise. Thank you


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