Becoming a Vegetarian

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Everybody sees something different when they gaze into their reflection. Even identical twins have some physical differences, albeit small ones. So it begs the questions: what do I see when I look at my reflection?

Answer: I see a monster.

Physically, I'm perfect. No, I'm not arrogant or vain. I'm simply telling you the truth.

I am perfect.

Wavy, almost straight, dark brown hair surrounds my heart-shaped face and runs down to my chest. I have extremely pale skin, but somehow the paleness compliments my soft features. My lips are full and blood red. My teeth are a pearly white. I have a flawless nose, perfectly arched eyebrows, a wide forehead, prominent cheekbones, and a slightly pointed chin.

I am perfect.

When you look at me, you see an…angel. That's what I look like. A gorgeous, young, innocent girl. From my heart-shaped face to my beautiful smile, you immediately label me as a sweet, kind girl. But have you ever heard the expression don't judge a book by its cover? Or beauty is only skin deep? How about looks like a butterfly, stings like a bee? I smile sardonically into the small stream I'm staring into. Yes, you would never expect that behind my pretty face lies a monster. I grin even bigger, showing my razor-sharp, white teeth. I can see the hint of my fangs. Oh? I didn't mention my fangs? My bad, it completely slipped my mind. Yes, I have fangs. But don't worry, they are really subtle. You can only see them if you look really closely. And trust me, you don't want to get close to me.

Another small, tiny thing I forgot to mention—my eyes. Now you would assume that since I have brown hair, I would also have brown eyes, or maybe even blue eyes. Green eyes? Possible. But neither is the case. I have deep, bright red eyes.

So when you see me, don't look at my inviting, enticing smile or even my innocent, soft face. Look instead at my fangs, ready to sink into to your neck. Look instead at my red eyes, burning with hunger—hunger for your blood.

Have you've figured it out yet? I told you I'm a monster, but do you know what type of monster I am now?

I am a vampire.

I place my pale, smooth hand into the slow-moving stream. It's the middle of winter, so you would expect the water to be freezing cold. Yet I feel nothing. I don't feel the cold. I draw circles in the water with the tip of my pointer finger before I angrily splash away my perfect reflection and turn away in disgust. I stand up from the forest floor and brush off leaves and twigs from my body. Oh yes, the stream only showed the reflection of my face, not my body. Well go on, go ahead and guess. If you had to describe my body in one word, what would it be?

Yes, my body is…perfect.

I have a long, graceful neck, rounded shoulders, muscular arms, round and perky breasts, a smooth, flat stomach, flawless hips, and well-defined legs. Currently I am wearing tight, dark-washed skinny jeans, a pink tank top, a small, brown, hoodie jacket that is zipped up half-way, and black converse sneakers. Dressed like any normal seventeen year-old, huh? Well yeah, if you look past the dirty jeans, ruined sneakers, muddy tank-top, and the brown jacket with its sleeves ripped off. Oh, and I'm not wearing any mittens or a scarf or a hat even though it's lower than 20 degrees Fahrenheit. If you weren't paying attention earlier, I can't feel the cold. I'm an unfeeling monster. Am I proud of it? Hell no. I want to die. I tried killing myself already, but apparently I'm indestructible. Figures.

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