Chapter 22: Blood Training

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Wednesday, August 1st 5:00 P.M. (Four Days Later )

Edward eagerly pulls me onto his lap, and I go willingly, straddling him and throwing my arms around his neck, our lips still moving heatedly against one another. Edward groans as my tongue slips by his lips and begins to explore his mouth. His hands roam my sides before resting on the small of my back, pressing me into him so that we are chest to chest, our pants matching each other's breath for breath. I slow the kiss down, wanting now to savor the feel of his lips on my own, making me dizzy with pleasure.

This is how it always is when Edward and I kiss. Whether it be slow or quick, soft or rough, passionately or languidly, it doesn't matter. Each never fails to take my breath away, to make my undead heart feel alive again. You can just chalk it up to Edward being a good kisser—and believe me he is one hell of an incredible kisser—but it's more than that. It's how our love for one another shines through in every sweep of the tongue, in every roaming hand, in every touch. I don't know how to explain it, so I'll leave it at this—something incredible, something extraordinary happens when our lips connect. We're immediately transferred to another world where nothing in the world can affect us, can touch us—

"Ow," I say in surprise as I feel something hit the back of my head. Okay…some things can touch us.

I turn around to see both the pillow that hit me fall to the ground and Jasper's grinning face.

"I turn my back for one second to call the others and you guys immediately decide that that's a good time to go at it?" He shakes his head.

"Who's going at it?" Emmett enters the living room.

"Edward and Bella?" Rose guesses. "Nothing new there," she snorts, following Emmett towards the loveseat.

"Not on my couch, I hope!" Esme says, entering hand in hand with Carlisle.

I dig my head into Edward's chest, embarrassed. "We weren't going at it," I mumble, my voice muffled by Edward's shirt. Edward puts his arms around me and I feel him smile against the top of my head.

"Don't pay them any attention." Carlisle smiles reassuringly at me.

"Worse things have happened on that couch." Jasper concedes, smirking as he gestures pointedly at Rose and Emmett.

Rose and Emm roll their eyes at the same time, causing everyone to laugh.

I smile, realizing how far this family has come in regards to Edward's and I's physical relationship. At the beginning of our relationship, much to Edward's dismay, I was too embarrassed to kiss him in front of our family or even sit on his lap. One day, though, Edward just pulled me onto his lap and wouldn't let me leave.

The first time this happened, Alice and Esme were beaming, Jasper and Emmett were glaring, and Rose and Carlisle had smiles tugging at the corner of their lips. After Edward pulling me onto his lap became a frequent habit, eventually Emmett's and Jasper's glaring died down and Alice and Esme no longer gushed.

But I was never a fan of PDA, so even then, I wouldn't kiss Edward in front of everyone, but Edward eventually won me over with that one, too. It didn't take long for him to realize that once his lips were on mine, all my thoughts turned to mush and I wouldn't even dream of refusing him. Of course, this led to more glaring and awwing, but again, everyone soon got used to Edward and I being a couple.

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