Chapter Three: A Chocolate Competition

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The next morning, Braedey woke to the rising sun, then he headed off downstairs to see his mother and Mary. As he does so, he noticed something going on outside. He opened the front door, looking outside, and saw it seemed like a regular day for everyone. With a shrug, he closed the door, and headed off to the kitchen.

"Who was at the door, Braedey?" Mary asked, walking in from downstairs.

"Nobody. It was only me checking outside." Braedey replied to her. "So, anything to happen on the mind?"

"No. Not really." Mary shrugged. Then, she had an idea. "I have been thinking. Why don't you go with Charlie to his school as a guest? Maybe you could tell him more of those stories and adventures you and the Mystery Inc. gang have been on?"

"Sure. I mean, I wouldn't mind being with Charlie." Braedey shrugged. "I mean, he's a great kid. He's got a heart of gold."

With that, Braedey switched into a new attire; a white shirt with a blue vest, dark denim jeans with a black belt, and biker boots, then began to make his way down to Charlie's house. As he does so, he met up with Charlie, the two exchanging some stories once in a while, until they arrived at Charlie's school. Braedey stood to the side of the classroom, and watched on from the sidelines.

"Charlie Bucket?" The teacher called out.

"Yes, Mr. Turkentine?" Charlie

"I need an assistant. Give me a hand." Mt. Turkentine asked, as Charlie walked up to the front desk. "We have nitric acid, glycerin, and a special mixture of my own. Together, it's dangerous stuff, blows you up. But mixed together right, as only I know how, what's it make?" He asked him.

"I don't know." Charlie shook his head.

"Of course not! Because only I know." Mr. Turkentine joked. "If you knew, you'd be teaching me instead of me teaching you. And for a student to teach his teacher is presumptuous. Is that clear?"

"Yes, sir." Charlie nodded.

"Good. Mixed together in the right way, these dangerous ingredients can make the finest wart remover." Mt. Turkentine said to him. "The trick is to pour equal amounts. Charlie, you take the nitric acid and glycerin, and I'll take my special mixture." The two pick up the elements in their flasks, and held it above the main large bowl. "Ready?" He asked Charlie, who nodded. "Good lad. Pour." The two pour the liquids into the bowl, which created a white cloud of smoke, as the class clapped at the small explosion.

"Did we do it wrong?" Charlie asked, waving his hand at the smoke.

Mr. Turkentine shook his head. "Certainly not. This is for big warts." He was the interrupted by the noise of footsteps running outside the classroom.

"What in the name of Carol Shelby is going on out there?" Braedey walked over to the door, opening it to see children running down the hall. He stopped one child. "Hey! Come here! What's happening?" He asked him.

"Willy Wonka's opening his factory, and he's gonna let people in!" The kid said to the brunette.

"Are you sure?" Mr. Turkentine asked him in suspicion.

"He's giving lots of chocolate away!" The kid replied.

"Class dismissed!" Mr. Turkentine called to the class, as they prepared to get out of their seats.

"It's only for 5 people!" The kid said to him.

"Class un-dismissed." Mr. Turkentine stated reluctantly.

"He hid 5 Golden Tickets. Whoever finds them wins the prize." The kid clarifies for him.

"Where'd he hide them?" Braedey asked him.

Braedey Martin and the Chocolate FactoryWhere stories live. Discover now