20) Five

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The video ended with Louis scrambling backwards in the metal chair, doing everything in his power to get away from the flames spreading closer and closer to him. Tiana didn't know how to react. She didn't think she could tell Zach, since he would lose his mind, but she knew it would be so fucked up if she didn't say anything to anyone.

Tiana was almost 100% sure that the video was a live recording. If Louis hadn't been able to get out of the chair during the video, it was extremely unlikely that he was still clinging to be alive, even if Tiana had managed to find his body in the next few minutes.

But, given that she had no idea where to even start looking, it was almost impossible for her to decide what to do. She knew she couldn't just sit there, but Tiana had approximately no idea what to do. 

She didn't want to tell Zach, but he was most likely to know where Louis was, right? Without thinking, she swiped open her phone and pressed on his contact name.

The phone had almost dialed all the way before Zach picked up. 

"Where are you?" Tiana doesn't wait for Zach to respond. She can hear the confusion in his voice.

"I was just about to sleep, what's up?" Zach mutters quietly. 

"That sucks. I'm picking you up. What's your address? It's important." Tiana brushed her feelings aside. If she couldn't even get through a phone call, how the hell was she supposed to get through telling Zach what had happened.

"You know where I live, Tiana. How long do I have to be ready?" Zach sounded immediately nervous. Tiana remembered that he and Marco were the two theorizing that she was the murderer. As if. Tiana could almost laugh, Zach must think that he's about to die.

A text message brings her back to reality. Louis is almost definitely dead at this point, and Tiana felt horrible at how okay she was with it. He was someone who was trying to get everyone to turn against her. She wasn't the killer, bu apparently she was the only one who could see it. 

It had made her friendship with Imani diminish and made it very impossible for her to reach out and talk to anyone. So if Louis had to die for that to happen, she wouldn't exactly say she was happy, but she wasn't devastated, either.

The only downfall to Louis's death was that it meant somebody was still out, somebody was still killing, and if that was the case, then somebody was able to kill Louis. And, out of the final five people left standing, the only person who could even stand a chance of taking down Louis in a fight was Marco, and that was only if Marco had the element of surprise.

And Marco didn't seem like a fighter.

But apparently somebody was. Tiana shook the thought off as she unlocked her phone to read the text. 

Surprisingly, it was a text from Clark. Which wasn't something that normally happened for Tiana, considering she never talked to the kid. The text was a simple, two worded message, but it's intent was clear.

"No cops."

She decided she should just put her phone away and pick up Zach. She didn't want Marco and Imani to get involved, since they would likely blame her anyways, and now that she had evidence that it was Clark, she was just going to worry about exposing him later. Right now, it mattered that she tried to maybe save Louis.

And if anybody could figure out where the abandoned warehouse was, she hoped that it would be Zach.

Within minutes, she was outside of his front door, and he slowly walked up to her car. It was a quarter after ten at night, and the video had gone off live only four or five minutes ago. If Louis had managed to hop out of harms way for just a few minutes, maybe they'd be able to help him. And if she helped him, he'd get to live and he'd stop saying she was the killer.

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