chapter 4: ownership??

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firstly, I would like to apologize for taking so long to update, I have been going through a rough patch, but anyways here is your update.


Guts and I walk out of the tent and into the warm summer air, immediately feeling a soft breeze hit me. The looks these men are giving us makes me feel unwanted, granted I guess we did kill a few of their friends. cocking my head to the right, I smell something, is that... Fish, I am starving. Guts is looking around with mild astonishment,

"so these are the guys that gave us a hard time at the siege" Guts whispers to no one in particular.

"Mhm, and the guys we happened to fight when you were dragging me," I give him the look, {you know the one} rubbing the back of his head, he mumbles something while looking anywhere but at my face. "I'm sorry what was that, oh mighty one?"

"I said I was-"

"so, you're awake at last," a new voice cuts him off,

"oh- uh good morning, Griffith," a diffrent voice says. Griffith makes his way over to Guts and I, his snow white hair, and piercing blue eyes are his most prominent features, I narrow my eyes at him, daring him to try somthing brash. I then notice he has Guts' sword in his right hand, even I struggle to lift that thing, how strong is this man,

" I am the leader here, Griffith, and you are?" Griffith askes with his eyes trained on Guts

" I'm Guts" he says after looking Griffith up and down. Griffith then lifts Guts' sword,

" Hm a great weapon," he lifts it up and down, testing its weight, " a bit much for me though, would you two care to join me for a walk?" turning his head to face me, I can't help but to feel that question was aimed more for Guts than me, but what the Hell I don't have anything better to do.

"I suppose we can," turning I look up to Guts, " can we?" taking his sword from Griffith, he says nothing. we begin to walk, me trailing behind Guts, only slightly whom is trailing behind Griffith. mmm I am so hungry, I haven't eaten all day or night, we pass by several people who all wish Griffith a good morning, these people are very loyal,

"well seems your popular around here," Guts trails off getting harsh glares from the men,

" um I hate to be a bother, but Mr. Griffith, sir, where is my staff? I went to lay beside Guts and when I woke up it was no longer there." Trailing off, Griffith turns and looks at me his blue eyes staring into my (E/C) ones. He says nothing but makes a slight detour and goes inside of a tent. coming out of it he has my staff in his hand twirling it.

" your weapon, is nearly perfect, I wouldn't mind having one of my own, the weight and sharpness of the blades are better suited for a skilled fighter,"

"thanks,... I think," I take it from him and put it in its holder on my lower back, I get flustered from him staring at me for so long, looking around I notice Casca, Judeau, and that one dude who lead the charge aginst Guts and me. The guy is cooking fish, and my luck of course causes my stomach to growl very loud, oh shit- my train of thought is interrupted by the guy giving me the fish,

" Why are you giving me this?" tilting my head to the side

" w-well your stomach was growling, so you must be hungry,"

" well duh, but, thanks anyways-"

"corkus, my name is corkus."

"thanks, corkus." I eat the fish in record time, noticing that the entire group is looking at me, " umm well thanks agin," I go to stand beside Guts getting a little uncomfortable with all the attention on me. we continue walking,

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