Chapter 1: The Battel aginst Bazuso

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I watch silently as men clamor over one another to get into the battle. The smell of blood and destruction lingers in the air. "It's for the money, for the money," I tell myself.
My feet move gracefully, dodging arrows, some would think I have been doing this my entire life.
   My neck cranes to the left, there stands Guts, my close companion. He has been like an older brother to me, always watching over me and protecting me. We glance at each other than start to walk forward until we reach the tall wooden boxes. Inside is cramped with so many sweaty men, it smells dreadful. Guts looks over at me then leans in and whispers so only I can hear,
   "Stay close to me, and don't get yourself killed." I smile at him through my mask and respond,
  "I could say the same to you." We both get into position and then the gate opens. Guts and I both rush out him swinging his big ass sword and me with my cuffs and staff. [See picture if you want a refrance, feel free to change the colour and size] "hghh" my blade crushes another skull. I see Guts ahead of me, throwing around the enemy like they were nothing. "Hmpf, I can do better than that," I say under my breath. I take off holding my staff in front of me horizontally and my arms out long ways in front of me. Killing all that are in front, to my left or right instantly. "57, 58, 59, 60," I count out the number of people I have killed. In front of me is now Guts, "Why have we stopped?" I ask him standing on my tip toes to see.
  "It's the giant Bazuso." He moves to the left so I could see better.
  "Huh, he dosent look so giant to me."
  "Mhm," he agrees with me. Half of a body flies over us, getting blood on me.
  "Gross," I say while wiping it off of my face.
  "IS NO ONE GOING TO CHALLENGE ME," Bazuso shouts at the people I'm fighting alongside. "HAH, ALL OF YOU MUST BE COWARDS, GET THEM NOW MEN." Our "captain" starts saying something to us, but I don't really care enough to listen. But I guess Guts does, because all of a sudden he steps up in front of everyone.
  "10 pieces."
  "What?" The "captain" says confused. Guts nods his head twords Bazuso.
  "That's what I want for this iron oaf, we're mercinarries not knights. At the end of the day, you can't eat glory," Guts  says.
  "Haha, very well boy go on defeat him and 7 silvers will be all yours." Spoke the "captain".
"Tch, what a cheap bastard." Guts picks up his sword then moves in front of Bazuso.
  "If you'll make it 10 silvers, I'll make sure you have his head," I said.
  "Hmm a very tempting offer, but I must say if you are able to bring me his head I will give you both 10 silvers," He said. I nod over to Guts, he then makes the first move and strikes at Bazuso. He moves so quickly that Bazuso is now on the defense, I move in and try to disarm him. The staff clangs as it makes contact with the AX, putting a crack in it. Time seems to slow down to a mere trickle, as Bazuso raises his AX once agin. Guts draws his sword back. Bazuso's wepon makes contact with Guts helmet. The AX crumples and the helmet is thrown to the side in front of an armor clad man. Guts sword is still swinging lower, it finally makes contact with Bazuso's stomach region. Red blood is splattered everywere.
  "WAIT, I Yield to the better man," he says breathless.
  "Well good thing I'm not a man then," I reply as I swing my staff with all the might I can muster, taking off his head in one feal swoop. Silence falls over the crowd, everyone is too busy staring at Guts and I to say a word. Then all of a sudden as if they had just relized we killed Bazuso, their cheer erupts into defining screams.
  "GET THEM NOW MEN, WHILE THEIR MORALE IS BROKEN," our captain  screeches. Our band starts to charge slaughtering anything that moves. I look over to Guts, only to find him leaning down and grabbing his old helmet. We make eye contact for a second,
  "Who ever kills the most dosent have to pay for dinner," I say to him.
  "Fine," he smirks "just know you're going down." We both take off agin killing any that stand in our way.
  "203,204,205,206," I start to count aloud agin. "I wonder how many Guts has gotten," I think to myself. I watch as he mercilessly cuts through the enemy like a hot knife through butter.

Time skip

As soon as the battle started it's over, we have won. Guts and I walk up to our commander to get our money.
  "NEXT," he shouts out, "here's your two months pay, and of course the reward for killing Bazuso." "Now, would you consider serving me on a regular basis?" He asks [more like whines] "I'll give you three times the pay, and you might even have a chance to become a Squier one day, wouldn't that be nice." "For commen mercenaries like us, becoming a Squier is-well it's like a dream come true."
  "Dreams, you can't eat dreams," Guts reply's. The commander does a spit take, and chokes a little on his wine.
  "Oh by the way, where is my 10 silvers that you said I would get for Bazuso's head?" I asked.
  "It's in that bag right there"
  "that's only 10 silvers though"
  "That's what I said, bring me his head and you'll both have 10 silvers," He smiles
  "Ya, and when you day both that sounds like both of us getting 10," "you know what whatever."
  "Come on Y\N, we don't have time to spend here," Guts says.
  "Yes little boy listen to your big brother," days the commander. I growl under my breath, as we turn to leave I flip him off.

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