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    "Don't mention it. Just get some sleep for now, we can go tomorrow." Hank said as he turned off the tv and headed up stairs.

    Resting her head down on the pillow, Y/n's eyelids drifted shut as she slowly drifted back off to sleep.

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2. Meeting RK800

"Hey, wake up. We gotta go get you some new clothes." Hank shook the sleepy h/c girl by her shoulders. A slight groan of annoyance left her lips, but she got up nevertheless.

The two made their way to Hank's vehicle, Y/n's eyes lighting up upon seeing something she recognized. Getting in, they buckled their seatbelts as Hank shifted gears and began to drive.

      "So," Hank began awkwardly, in a poor attempt at starting conversation. He was curious, to say the least, as to how and why a random 20-something year old appeared out of nowhere on his snow-covered lawn. Y/n glanced in his direction, awaiting whatever he was about to say.

       "Do you uh, remember why or how you ended up on my lawn?" Hank concluded, as he slowly came to a stop at the red light.

       Y/n shook her head. All she could remember was downloading the "specialized game demo" and passing out with a sharp pain in her head as it was downloading. Hank sighed, but nodded his head in understanding.

         "Hey, Hank, do you think we could go to a thrift store?" Y/n asked, causing Hank's brow to raise.

         "Why? I thought I was buying you new clothes, not hand-me-downs." He debated.

          "Well I already feel kind of bad that you're spending money on a stranger who just showed up on your lawn. And if I get the job at the DPD with you, I'll be making my own money right? I can buy new clothes then." Y/n reasoned. Seeing their reasoning, Hank made a left then proceeded to head straight before turning right and pulling into the parking lot.

         Getting out, the two shut the door behind them as Hank locked his car. Upon entering, Hank offered Y/n a dismissive wave.

     "I'll be here looking through books and what not. You go on ahead and look for what you need." Y/n offered him a smile and nodded as she made her way to the button-up shirts. If she was gonna try to get a job, she might as well look the part.

       Skimming through the aisles, she managed to pick out 3 white button-up long sleeve shirts, a plain black long sleeve shirt, 2 pairs of blue jeans, 2 pairs of black jeans, 3 sets of leggings, 4 bras, a belt, a set of black doc martens boots, a black over coat as well as one black/brown over-the-shoulder handbag. Luckily, all the items fit, and Y/n made her way to Hank. He looked rather shocked at how much she was able to find.

       "Let's go, I just got a call and we gotta head to the office." Hank said, as she nodded and pushed her cart to the counter.

        The cashier was an Android, causing Y/n to look at them with interest and curiosity. She had never seen something look so human-like.

  "Your total comes to $46.80." It spoke, sending a shiver down       Y/n's spine. It even sounded human.

Hank's brows raised as he placed his hand on the scanner.

       "Thank you for your purchase. Enjoy your day." The Android said, as the two left.

       "That was awfully cheap for the amount of clothes you got." Hank remarked as Y/n smiled.

       "Like I said, you were the one paying so I didn't want to cost you too much." She replied.


       Y/n took one of the button ups, a pair of the blue/black jeans, her new overcoat, her new bag and changed into her new-ish doc martens. She followed Hank into the DPD office and after Hank sat down at his desk, Y/n turned to Hank.

       "I'm just going to go change and I'll meet you back here." She said, lifting the new clothes he had bought her. He nodded and began typing up what appeared to be a report.

        Y/n got to the washroom, entered a stall and locked it. Then, she proceeded to strip down to her undergarments and put on her (on the most part) new clothes. With her overcoat perched over her arm, she took her old clothes and made her way back to Hank, before accidentally bumping into a much taller figure.

      "I'm sorry about that." The stranger apologized, as Y/n looked up. He was tall, with a pale complexion and mostly groomed chestnut hair; aside from a thick strand that fell onto his forehead. He had on a grey jacket with "Rk800" on it in white as well as an electric blue triangle on his left side (your right side).

      "It's okay." Y/n replied, as she felt her cheeks tint in the slightest. For an Android, he was definitely a looker. His developers knew what they were doing.

    "You wouldn't happen to know who Lieutenant Hank Anderson is, do you?" The Android questioned. Y/n's brow raised as she nodded.

     "I do. You can follow me if you'd like." She suggested, pushing a strand of h/c hair behind her year. The Android took notice of this as his LED switched from blue to yellow, then back to blue again.

     "That'd be much appreciated, thank you." With that, he followed the h/c female back to Hank who raised a brow in suspicion.

      "Who is that, Y/n?" Hank questioned, scrunching up his nose in a slight grimace.

     "This is an Android, model rk800, err, what did you say your name was?" She asked the tall Android.

      "My name is Connor. I'm the Android sent by cyber life to accompany Lieutenant Anderson on his new case." Connor stated matter of factly, as Hank rolled his eyes.

      "What new case? I'm still on homicide-"

      "Hank, in my office, now!" Hank's boss, Captain Fowler, exclaimed.

      With a sigh, the lieutenant arose, and I followed in suit as did Connor.

"Oh you've already met." Captain Fowler said nodding in Connor's direction.

"So, who is this the woman you spoke to me about?" He asked Hank as he glanced at Y/n.

"Yeah, that's her." He acknowledged as Y/n offered a nervous smile. Fowler's eyes shifted from Y/n to Hank and thus released a sigh.

"I already saw your file, and you appear to be fairly well rounded. You'll be put on the deviant case with Hank and RK800 and that's final." Fowler instructed, as Y/n's smile widened. Connor took note of this smile, and something about such a gesture caused a software instability to occur within his system.

    "Don't make me regret this." The captain warned as Y/n nodded, dropping the smile. As her smile fell, so did Connor's odd feeling of joy.

      'Wait, joy...?' The Android thought to himself, not realizing that his human companions were already making their way back to their desks. Snapping out of his thoughts, he followed in suit.

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