introducing the outcasts and part of the popular couple

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My group of friends or in this case my group of outcasts and I have been together since elementary, and they are: Bailey Maddox,  Reubin ramirez, Akasha Jones and of course the ringleader me, my name is Josiah Jones. Yes Akasha and I are siblings so bite me (actually don't really 😏). See despite all the arguments and drama that happens between me and my group we stick together, we forgive and forget but then there's this one couple who everyone wants to be like all because their super popular and all that shit, but thing is their extremely nice for a popular couple they don't start rumors about anyone they don't spread lies like other popular couples do. See i, Josiah, have a secret that will be told later  on and one that might make my friends hate me for but we will get to that much later on. Anyways onto the nice popular couple their names as  requested are: Austin Mendez and Madeline Walker. What I don't get is why would anyone want to be popular once your in u can never get out of it but yet if you become an outcast you can be yourself with non-judgmental  looks but yea sure there'll be rumors spread about you and ur friends, your family but on the inside you know the truth and only the truth about yourself, friends and family and that's how you stay strong throughout your life in high school and after high school, so signing out til next time.
                                                                                   Josiah the great

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