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So, this is the very first time I have ever attempted to write a contemporary romance. It's based on an idea I had years ago that I never finished, but hopefully this version will be more... let's say readable? XD than the version I published back then. Anyways, that's all I have to say, so.... yeah. Happy reading!

I walked slowly to my car, dragging my suitcase behind me. My friends Matsuo and Katsumi sat crying on what was soon to be my old front steps. I had tried to get my mom to let them come at least to the drop-off point, but she had said, and I quote, "You know the Mori's! They would never let their children travel out of state with a woman they barely know! I would be arrested for attempted kidnapping!" 

Whatever. I thought it was just an excuse. Mom hated taking more kids in her car than she had to. She always said it was something about kids always being sticky or never cleaning their crap out of her car, but in my opinion, she just didn't like the noise. 

Mom walked over from where she was talking to Veronica and her mom. Veronica was one of those people whose friendship didn't really have a backstory--they just showed up one day and started being a friend. I didn't remember at what point we had actually become close, but we met in kindergarten sometime and she had just sort of become someone I was close with. "Hey, sweetie," my mom said, "You ready to go?" 

I ground my teeth but nodded. She used the sugar-sweet voice, the one that adults always seem to reserve only for children and pets when they assume they won't notice they're being talked down to. I despised that voice. 

"Yes, mom. I was ready when I arrived at the car five minutes ago. Let's just go. I don't want to start crying until no one can see me but my mother."

She gave me a pitying look, which made me grind my teeth some more. I also hated pity. "Are you sure you don't want to stay? It's not too late to unload your stuff," she said.

I glared up at her. "I said I'm going and I'm going. Let's. Go."

 Mom clenched her teeth and gave me her "stern mom" glare. "Look. I know you're grieving, Jackie—"

"Don't call me Jackie. Only Amy gets to do that, and she's.... gone," I interrupted. 

She didn't appear to appreciate the interruption. "I loved Amy just as much as you did. Do NOT take your anger out on me. I know you're grieving, but that gives you NO RIGHT to talk back to me like that. Go say your last goodbyes to your friends and let's go."

I ground my teeth again--a habit that seemed like it was becoming permanent with how things were going--and walked over to Kat and Mat. I didn't really feel like saying another goodbye to Veronica at the moment. Maybe I'd borrow my mom's phone and do it later over text or email.

"This is it! We really might never see each other again!" Kat cried. She'd always been the more dramatic of the twins. 

Mat rolled his eyes at his sister. "Oh, relax. I'm sure she'll come back sometime," he said, obviously trying to sound annoyed. I knew he was failing by the uncertain waver in his voice. I could almost hear the countdown to the question I knew would come after.

"You.... Are coming back. Right?"

Ah, there it was. "Do you want the brutally honest answer or the answer that'll make you feel better? 'Cause I can't give you both," I said. 

Kat's chin wobbled, and she dove her small face into her brother's chest. He rolled his eyes and rubbed her back, but I saw him glance down at her worriedly when she couldn't see. "Be brutal," he said, though it was obvious he wasn't doing much better than his sister.

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