As the spng strated I noticed Louis smiling at me, only me. I just grinned back like an idiot, I felt someone tapping on my shoulder and I turned around. A little girl about twelve was standing there looking at me.
"Yes sweetie?" I asked sweetly.
"Is Louis smiling at you?" She looked confused.
"Yes, I believe he is because-" I am cut off by the little girl slapping me across the face.
"He's mine." She growled. I put my hand to my cheek, it stung, I pull away.
"Excuse me, but we are currently dating sorry honey." I say faking sympathy. I think l hear someone yelling for security but I can't be sure, until three men in yellow run by lifting the girl. One turns around to me, I recognize the man from the parking lot, although I never did get his name.
"Is she the one that slapped you miss?" One of them asks gruffly.
"Yes, who told you?"
"The young lady sitting on the other side of you." He responds. The carry the screaming girl away, and her mother follows behind cursing under her breath, but I do beileve she called me a 'bitch'.
"Thank you." I turn my head to look over at my rescuer and see a girl about my age, with reddish hair.
"Why your welcome, I think that girl might belong in the nut house." We start to laugh.
"What's your name?" I yell over the loud crowd.
"What?!" She screams back.
"What's you name?!" I yell considerably louder.
"I'm Lola!" She screams back.
"Oh, I'm Jacqueline!" I yell.
"Nice to meet you." She Screams, we both burst into a fit of giggles.
"Do you have a VIP pass?!" I scream.
"No!" She screams, but you can hear the sadness in her voice.
"Well here you go! Louis gave me two just in case!" I hand her the little necklace thing with the pass clipped on.
"Thank you!" She screams happily.
"We'll talk later!" I scream. She nods her head but she is already lost in the music.
When the concert is over, the guards are back they have been told to escort me back to the boys private rooms.
"Not unless Lola can come with me." I say stubbornly. The two of them look at eachother and shrug their shoulders.
"Fine. But we need to hurry." The taller one says.
"What are your names?" I ask. I grab Lola by the arm and start to drag her backstage.
"I'm Don, Thats Jeff." He says motioning to the other.
"Well okay then. Are you ready to meet the boys Lola?" I ask her.
"Oh. My. Gawd YES!" She is bouncing on her heels.
"Haha, just don't freak out!" I say nudging her with my elbow.
"Can't promise that." She says misechiviously.
"Oh dear lord." I say rolling my eyes. We walk into the room and see the boys sitting around the room. The minute I walk in the room, Louis has his arms around me.
"Are you okay?" He asks.
"I will be as soon as I can breath." I squeak.
"Oh sorry," He sets me down. " I heard that someone slapped you." He says.
"Yes someone did."
"Oh." He kisses me gently on the cheek.
"Whos she!?" Niall says nervously.
"She's Lola. She helped get security when the little monster slapped me." I say.
"Hello Lola!" The boys chorus.
"Hi." She mumbles, looking down at the floor. I see Zayn looking at her, and walk over to him still holding Louis' warm hand.
"Go talk to her." I say in his ear. He is startled. "Just go say hi!" I whisper yell at him.
"Fine!" He whisper yells back to me. He walks over to her, but just as he gets to her side, the stage manager comes through.
"Lets go guys Show time!!!" He sings. The boys walk back to where they are supposed to meet the fans, Louis drags me out of the room so I can meet the fans.
"I want them to meet you, I mean you are my girl friend." He wiggles his eyebrows, and I laugh.
"What if they hate me?" I ask suddenly nervous.
"They wont! I promise." We walk into the room, with ton of screaming girls.
"Oh my gawd! Louis has a Girlfreind!" One of the many girls scream.
The room erupts in girls screaming happily running over and hugging me and Lou, asking for pictures of us.
"Well they like you he whispers in my ears." Then he kisses me.
"ARE YOU GUYS OFFICAL?!!?!" Another fan screams.
Louis looks at me. "YES WE ARE." He hugs me tightly, and the room erupts in screams and giggles all over again.

One Thing
FanfictionWhen Jacqueline Thomas an average 19 year old meets Louis Tomlinson, they have an instant connnection but when they both are too nervous to admit it will it ever get beyond just friends? Will their realationship survive insane fans, lots of drama, a...