I saw the Magcon boys also known as the dick heads who bully me.I ducked under the table. Once I thought they were gone I looked up but they were just staring at me a few feet away.
I just looked away and ate my food. We both got done eating our delicious food I said to Lox "Ill throw the food away" she just nodded.
I walked to the trash when I felt a slap to my ass. I looked and saw Cameron. I just stared at him for 5 seconds before he had to say "Hey BabyGirl whats your number I'll make sure to call you" I said "Bitch you don't know who I am?" he said back "No am I supposed to..." I just shook my head and said "Tell your bitch ass friends I hate them with all the strength in my body" I glared at him and told Lox to hurry up and c'mon.
She said "Why in such a rush" "uh cause my bully's are here" I said she just said "It'll all be okay and if you want we can move to San Diego" I said "Sure ill book the tickets and you just...do
Whatever" I got up and we started walking back to her car.We got in and started driving to my house. We got to my house and I went up to my room with Lox close behind me. We got to my room and I grabbed my computer and sat on my grey and black fuzzy spinny chair.
I started to book our tickets to San Diego. I finished that and told Lox I was gonna start packing I put in my suitcases:
-Crop tops
-High waisted jeans
-High waisted shorts
-Tank tops
-Combat boots
-Heeled boots
-ToiletriesI finished with all the packing and shit. I got up off the floor and dusted myself off. I told Lox she can come in now.
She walked in and said we are leaving at 5:00AM and right now it's... "Oh shit Lox we gotta go to bed it's 11:30PM" she nodded and hopped in the bed with me cause there wasn't another bed.
(A.N Skip To When They Wake up At 3:00AM)
I woke up to my Alarm clock so I shook Lox and said "Lox get up before I leave you here" she still didn't get up so I smirked and got a bucket and filled it with ice and water.
I walked up to her and dumped the water all over her. She shot up out of the bed and screamed at me "WHAT THE HELL" I laughed at her and said "Get dressed or I'm gonna go and leave you here" she just said "Fine"
I got my clothes from my shelf that I put their for today. I got in the bathroom and locked the door.
I jumped in the shower and washed my hair and body. I got out and started getting dressed in:
-Red cropped hoodie with a Calvin Klein sports bra showing at the bottom
-Black joggers with the word "BITCH" in red on the butt
-Red nike socks
-Black nike slidesI put my hair in a messy bun an just wore mascara and eyeliner. I walked out the bathroom to find Lox already done so I said "Let's go eat breakfast and then we can go" she nodded and said "Ok"
We ran all the way downstairs I yelled out "Ill make the Bacon, Toast, and Hash browns while you make the Eggs okay?" "Okay" she said back.
We started to cook once we finished with cooking we ate and then washed our dishes.
I said "C'mon let's get in the car and head to the airport now" she said "Ok but let's grab our suitcases and bag Bitch" we grabbed our bags and started walking to the car.
We got in and I started to drive since Lox was on the phone.
We'll I guess this is my new life in San Diego....:)
(A.N Hey guys it's Ally again but I was gonna pick Arizona but I started thinking about San Diego and thought "We'll a lot of people like San Diego so let's gooooo but yeah bye guys)