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April, 1977

Things had been going great for Cas. His part-time job at the library had turned into full employment, and he was finally able to start saving up some money. He was trying to save up for a trip to the beach, the one him and Dean had been to many years ago. Everyone around him, especially Balthazar, had advised him not to, but Castiel was determined that it would be a good idea, a way to get closure. He'd accepted the fact that he'd never get closure from Dean, so this was his way of getting in on his own, and then he could finally move on. He knew he'd never stop loving Dean, it had become a part of him, who he was, but he could still love Dean and move on. He was going to go to the beach, bring his box of polaroids and letters, find a good spot and burry it. Leaving what was left of Dean in the place that meant the most to him. 

That was until he one day got a phone call. 

Cas was cleaning up his dishes, Elvis playing in the background. He was humming along to the melody and occasionally sang some of the words. His hips swayed gently from side to side, and he was content. He heard the phone ring and he turned off the water, a few drops falling as it shut off. He dried his hands on a kitchen towel and walked over to the phone, picking up the handset, placing it to his ear. 

"Cas? It's Sam" 

Cas smiled, he hadn't heard from Sam in a long time "Hi! Long time, how's Jess?" he asked with a cheerful voice.

"I promised him I wouldn't tell, but he's not doing so good. He needs you Cas, and I'm tired of playing these games"

Cas could feel a slight pressure in his chest, as he had an idea of who Sam was talking about, but he had to make sure, he didn't want to jump to conclusions and get his hopes up over nothing, because truth was, Cas was fine without Dean, but he would be better with him, and he was still hoping, part of him was still hoping, that one day he'd come back, he never truly gave up hope. "who are you talking about?"

"Dean. He's here. With me and Jess. Cas you need to come see him"

Cas' grip in the handset loosened and it was barely hanging on between his hand and the side of his head. He felt his heart drop in his chest and his mouth was open, but not a sound came out. Dean was back. He was with Sam. He was there. 

"Cas? Are you there?" 

Castiel's mouth felt all of a sudden very dry, and he couldn't remember how to speak. Something he had dreamt of for so long was finally a reality, but it didn't feel like it. Sam asked again if he was still there and Cas closed his mouth, wetting it as he cleared his throat "d-does he want to see me?" he asked, almost whispering, afraid if he said it too loud Dean would run away and he'd lose him again "I don't think he wants to see me" and he believed that was true. If Dean was back, and he hadn't come to see him, that meant he didn't really want to. 

"I think you should come over" Sam stated and Cas shook his head, not saying anything as he hung up. 

This was a cruel joke. Dean wasn't back. He couldn't be back. He hadn't come to see him, so how could he be back. Cas returned to the kitchen, looking down at the sink and the dirty dishes left. He started cleaning, almost franticly. Dean wasn't back, he would come visit if he was. 

He would drop by.

He kept telling himself that, because the lie was better than the reality. That Dean had in fact come back, but hadn't come home. 

That night Cas laid in bed, staring at the wall. He told himself he wasn't going to fall back into his old routine, he wasn't going to wallow in sadness anymore, but he needed answers again.

Why hadn't Dean come home?

When had he come back?

Why hadn't anyone told him?

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