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"Perfect that is what you are

everything about you is perfect

you're smile

you're looks

you're thoughts

you're perfect"


So I read a chapter where tae said that he wanted to be friends again but I decided to change that because Jimin.
•3rd pov•
Finally they got to New York and the hotel they were staying at. "I truly thought you guys would've made up in the plane but no so Taehyung and Jungkook are going to share rooms no switching got it? "Yes manger-hyung " (My music is on its period it went from baby don't stop to the truth untold tf)

    Taehyung sighed as he put his stuff down on the one bed that was in the room. "Taehyung we should get over the fight that happened on the plane and be friends" Taehyung looked up. "Ok but not friends I meant my words jeon jungkook I'm just not ready yet" "well I'll fight for you" Taehyung raised a eyebrow. "Fight for me?" "Yeah!...As friends!" "Ok jeon. Let's just sleep that plane ride was long" "sure" Taehyung and Jungkook ended up cuddling since Tae can't sleep without hugging someone/something. 

    The next morning Yoongi walked in to wake the two youngest up to catch the sight that made his heart tighten in his chest. "Taebaby wake up~" "nooo" "you have to we have to get up early if we want to explore" Taehyung untangled himself from Jungkook arms and rubbed his eyes while yawning. "Ok but only cause I like taking pictures." "Wake up Jungkook to and meet up in the lobby" "ok!"

" "Wake up Jungkook to and meet up in the lobby" "ok!"

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(Oh my! (SAY THE NAME SEVENTEEN!) look at picture)

  All the members would be lying if they say Tae didn't look cute and fluffy right now well I mean Jimin was jealous at the way Jungkook looked at Taehyung and Hoseok the way Yoongi looked at Taehyung. (I really need someone for Hoseok I'm not kidding I feel guilty💔)

   Taehyung wanted to go eat at Panda Express (😂) for breakfast well it was like 2 already but still Jimin wanted to go to somewhere else.(when you don't know food places that well) Taehyung having the advantage of Yoongi being his boyfriend and agreeing to Panda Express everyone else also agree. But before going they put on masks.
"Panda panda panda" "Panda express!" The Taegi couple we're holding hands the whole way not caring the looks they got so everyone else joined in (expect hobi 💔) but jungkook didn't want to hold hands with jimin. There was people who randomly stopped them to support them.

"Yoonyoon~" "yes taetae?" "After this can we find a park pwease" "of course we can just the two of us" "like a date?" "Like a date" Yoongi said showing his infamous gummy smile. Taehyung smiles back with a hint of blush on his cheeks. It was like they were in their own world and Jin was happy for them. "I'm glad they're together right joonie?" "Yep but I can think of one person who isn't" "his lost."

❤️ KTH POV ❤️

A date a date a date... I'm going on a date with Yoongi! Why am I nervous? We are dating so it's obvious that we're gonna go on dates.
I felt the butterflies in my stomach go wild as the rest separated from us. "So do we walk around or should we ask?" "Um...let's ask" "let's hope we understand" I laughed "let's hope they also understand us" "true" Yoongi said laughing to.

"Uh excuse me do you know park?" I asked a random guy. "Yeah the closet one is..." the guy gave us directions and I understood very little.
"Did you understand?" "No but luckily Namjoon sent us a address" "Praise Namjoon then." "According to this it's open 24 hours." "Really can we stay there until night!? I wanna take a picture when it's dark" "anything you want I'll agree with it" Yoongi is so different from how Jungkook treated me...I hope I never lose him as a lover. He's perfect in my eyes.

There was a lot of flowers and I took pictures of a few but I slowly got bored of just flowers. Yoongi was looking towards a little lake/pond that was in front of the bench we were sitting on. I couldn't help but keep starring at him slowly I raised the camera and took a few pictures of him. "You know you could've asked" "you caught me" I said pouting "well yeah did you expect me not to notice my baby looking at me." I blushed at the nickname... "hey how about we take a picture together" Yoongi asked "Yes!" We took off out mask and took a picture.

 "hey how about we take a picture together" Yoongi asked "Yes!" We took off out mask and took a picture

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"Wanna post it?" I asked "Nah let's leave this for us." "Alright."


   ❤️ MYG POV ❤️
Taehyung quickly looked over at me. "Fine lets go" His eyes lit up he grabbed my hand and he made me run towards the cart. It's running out for Taehyung I'll run a marathon. "One strawberry and one mint chocolate chip" Taehyung asked "you know my..." "order? Yeah I remember it by heart." "It'll be $2" Taehyung was about to pay but I beat him to it handing the guy the two dollars as he handed us our ice cream.
     Taehyung is a messy eater but I didn't think he'll be so messy. "Aish. Taebaby you got a little ice cream" "where?" "There" he licked the wrong side "did I get it?" "Nope." "*pout* Yoonyoon just clean it for me" I got a napkin and leaned closer towards his face wiping the ice cream with the napkin.

   I didn't realize what I was doing but I slowly leaned in closer as he did to both just starting in each other eyes....

Bye. I updated tbh I already started this a long time ago but finally finished it cause I did A LOT of changes ❤️


Thank you for always waiting for my updates ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

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Thank you for always waiting for my updates ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

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