Here is my grand appreciation to everyone who supported this book. To say I love you all I quite an understatement. I really do love you. Thank you for the support, critics, reposts and everything I can't mention.
To my readers, thank you so much for picking up this book. I hope you enjoy it. Please do not forget to click on that sexy star 🌟. It's too sexy to ignore 😂.
To the Fwc Wattpad Community, thank you so so so much. I appreciate you guys for the knowledge you have given me one way or the other. Merci.
To the Writers Hub ❤, you guys are just wonderful people. Thank you for rebranding my poetic skills. Much love from me....
To my friends far and near, you guys know I can't mention all your names, but I really do appreciate every bit of your love.
To those who made my cover(s), let_alpha_write, harielta, Prendywillow, Arielella, Tonyscady you guys rock. Thank you so much for the input you guys put in to make a very awesome cover.
To those I didn't mention, I love you all. Note that 😂❤.
All my love,
PoetryThis book is a poetry compilation. And they are precisely 20 in number as the name implies, 20 shades of songs. It reveals diverse nature of things from various perspectives. Going through our playlist, we have music that makes us cry, some makes us...