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Here is my grand appreciation to everyone who supported this book. To say I love you all I quite an understatement. I really do love you. Thank you for the support, critics, reposts and everything I can't mention.

To my readers, thank you so much for picking up this book. I hope you enjoy it. Please do not forget to click on that sexy star 🌟. It's too sexy to ignore 😂.

To the Fwc Wattpad Community, thank you so so so much. I appreciate you guys for the knowledge you have given me one way or the other. Merci.

To the Writers Hub ❤, you guys are just wonderful people. Thank you for rebranding my poetic skills. Much love from me....

To my friends far and near, you guys know I can't mention all your names, but I really do appreciate every bit of your love.

To those who made my cover(s), let_alpha_write, harielta, Prendywillow, Arielella, Tonyscady you guys rock. Thank you so much for the input you guys put in to make a very awesome cover.

To those I didn't mention, I love you all. Note that 😂❤.

All my love,

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