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Trigger Warning

Zach's POV:
After a solid few minutes of studying my reflection, I reach for the hidden blade I took from a pencil sharpener and place it perpendicular to my wrist. As I look at my faded scars, I press down and slide it through the skin. The silence of the house is interrupted by the sound of the front door opening. Stupid. You're so gay. He will never like you, and neither will anybody else. Before I attempt another cut, the door swings open to reveal Daniel.

"Why," he says in disbelief. Shit. I forgot to turn on the faucet to mute my cries. Don't say it. I can't do it anymore. Tears continue to flow down my face as I have lost all control.

"P-p-please, d-don't tell," I say looking up. I expected him to upset, but instead he just retrieves the hand towel from the rack and kneels next to me.

"It's okay," he says placing the towel around my wrist, "it'll be okay."

"Y-you're not mad?" I stutter.

"Why would I be mad?" he sighs. Maybe because you're depressed, anxious, gay, suicidal. As each word plays in my head, the stream of tears becomes faster. I get it, I'm fucked up. Daniel releases the towel from my arm to see the status of the bleeding, and my worst fear becomes real. He sees them. Well, not all of them. "How long?" he asks sternly.

"I-I'm sorry," I cry.

"I asked how long, Zach? How long have you been doing this to yourself?" he begins crying until Corbyn walks in.

"Hey, what's goin'-" he silences himself for a moment to grasp what he is witnessing, "what the hell?"

"H-he's got other scars t-too!" Daniel sobs holding my arm up.

"Zach, why?" Corbyn asks sitting on the edge of the bathtub. Everyone shut up.

"I'm fine!" I yell storming out of the bathroom.

"Zach!" they yell in unison as they follow me down the hallway.

"Everyone just, just leave me alone!" I respond slamming my bedroom door shut. Well, good job.

Daniel's POV:
Corbyn and I stand in front of his bedroom door, deciding whether we should peruse the issue.

"Let's just give him some space," Corbyn whispers.

"A-and wh-what if he has another b-blade hidden in there? F-for all we know, he could want to k-k-kill himself in there," I sob into Corbyn's chest.

"I know, I know, it's okay," he says playing with my hair, "here, let's head into your room. We need a plan; he's not going to get better if we don't do anything." I nod and pull away from his embrace. It felt so safe. Shut up.

"H-he said not to tell anyone, s-so we can't let Jonah or Jack know," I say as Corbyn sits on Jack's bed.

"Dani, they need to know, alright? You saw him back there, he needs help. We need to at least tell Jonah."

"I know, I just," tears resume flowing down my face.

"Come here," he says as he pulls me into another hug, "he'll be okay, alright?" I nod into his shoulder. As I pull away, my eyes lock with his deep, silver orbs. Great. Now Corbyn too? Why don't you just get a tattoo saying, 'I'm Gay!'? I can't help this feeling. However, his stare is more of a confused look unlike yours. The two of us jump to the sound of the front door opening.

"Jonah," we say nervously in sync.

We head downstairs to see him leaning against the island scrolling through his phone with a cup of Starbucks coffee in his other hand.

"We need to tell him," Corbyn whispers.

"Fine," I give in. As we walk closer to him, he looks up from his phone.

"Oh, hey," he says unsuspectingly.

"We uh, we need to t-tell you something," I speak up. He furrows his eyebrows, and I nervously laugh as I push Corbyn towards him.

"Coward," he mutters looking back at my fearful face, "uhm, well, Daniel found Zach c-cutting." Jonah's facial expressions rotated from shocked to confused to ashamed to anxious.

"J-Jo?" I ask under my breath. Finally, he lets out a large sigh.

"Well, he's gonna need to see someone," he places his hands on his hips, "I'll call his mom tomorrow and see if she could get him a consultation with a therapist or something. I guess tour is really starting to make him nervous."

"Jonah, he's not okay," I begin to sob again.

"Hey, hey, it's okay," he says walking closer to brush his fingers through my hair, "hey, uh I don't think we should tell Jack just yet, okay? He'll over react, you know?" Once again, we hear the front door open to reveal a giddy Jack. Jonah unintentionally pushes me away as I wipe the tears creeping down my face.

"You will not believe what we just did," Jack says eagerly. You are never going to get over him. Without hearing the rest of his stupid, shallow story, I awkwardly run upstairs.

Corbyn's POV:
Jonah and I share looks deciding on which of us wanted to follow him as Jack stood confused. Jonah then taps his nose indicating 'nose goes', and I let out an exhausted sigh as I begin walking up the steps. Jack does not seem too concerned, for he resumed explaining his 'eventful hour' with Gabriela. Before I reach the top of the staircase, the house is echoed with a scream from Daniel.

Author's Note:
- I finally have a chapter pre-written, yay!.
- Wow, it's 11 a.m. instead of 3 a.m.
- Stay Safe ♡ You Are Loved

☆ P.S. Don't forget to vote please. ♡

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