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Zach's POV:
Even the shift of dust particles in the air can be heard as Jack and I awkwardly face each other. Did I really just... yes, you just kissed your bandmate and best friend, way to fuck everything up. After what has felt like an eternity of reticence, I finally break eye contact. I just confessed... everything.

And it felt incredible. But look at him; he is literally speechless. Why? Why did you have to do this to yourself, not to mention Jack? Then it all sinks in. What did I just do? The two of us continue sitting in silence as I anxiously fidget with my trembling fingers. Finally, I break the moment by lifting myself up off the edge of Daniel's bed.

"I'm just uh, gonna go to bed," I say quietly as tears start to form in my eyes. Don't you dare, keep it together! "Goodnight Jack," I whimper to myself. No response, only complete silence. Great, this is just fantastic. Why can't you keep your feelings to yourself? I am confusing myself. He won't even reply with a simple 'I don't like you' or 'I'm straight'. I'd rather him tell me he doesn't accept me than remain mute.

Pros & Cons of Kissing Jack:

Pros: 1. It felt so right.
Cons: 1. It was so wrong.

Before stepping over the threshold of his room, I take one final glance at Jack who is still in shock. I remain observant in the doorway until his eyes finally meet mine.

"Goodnight Jack," I repeat myself as I allow the tears that I have built up to create a river down my cheeks. Everything is too difficult. It's all just a haze as the universe continues to suck me into one of its darkest black holes. How did I believe any of this 'new life' would be easy or fun? I am such a liar to everyone. My family, my bandmates, the Limelights. Regardless of how many people I gain the courage to come out to, nobody will ever truly understand me. It's especially tough when I don't even understand myself.

On my short walk to my room, Daniel stops me while on the way to his room. "Hey, thanks for helping Jack," he says genuinely.

"Oh, n-no problem," I reply attempting to hide my red eyes and tear-stained cheeks.

"What's wrong?" He asks. Damnit, Daniel knows you so well. Don't tell him as you really cannot afford to create any more problems in this band.

"Nothing, right now he's just, I don't know, really drunk I guess," I sigh pushing him away (emotionally), "I'm tired. I'll see you in the morning."

"Huh?" He mutters to himself, "Zach, hey-"

"Just leave me alone," I say emotionless.

Once I finally reach my room, I throw my exhausted body onto Jonah and Corbyn's huge bed since they're out partying the night away. I can't believe I still don't even have a real mattress.

"You guys suuuuck," I whine into one of their many pillows. [A/N: not necessary, but I just had to add that line in lmao]

What have I done?

■ ■ ■

The following morning, I awake with half of my body laying on the cold carpet while the other is on my deflated air mattress. See? They just pushed you off their bed! Nobody cares about you. '10:00 a.m.' the clock beside me reads. I quickly remember everything from last night, and I have never felt worse.

After freshening myself up and preparing for the day, I head into Jack's room to see his limbs hanging off his bed. The scene almost makes me let out a small chuckle before I remind myself of how he reacted when I admitted it all. However I cannot help but to fix his position as I know it will be a while until he wakes up, at least that's what I've heard about shitty hangovers. To my surprise, a smile appears on his face as he responds to my touch in his sleep. He's still amazing. Yes, that is true.

"Hey, you're up," Jonah remarks appearing in the doorway. I let out a large sigh as I look over my shoulder and roll my eyes at him. "Woah, a little feisty today, aren't we," he laughs. That's it, go for it.

"Uh excuse me?" I huff standing up to meet him. "Well maybe I'm a little tired, you know? I mean, did you guys really have to toss me onto the floor after you suddenly decided to finally come home?"

"Dude, you're literally always on our bed!" Oh he'll regret saying that.

"Yes, I guess I hang out on your bed a lot!" I respond angrily as I face his tall figure.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" He whisper-yells not understanding my point.

"Everything," I answer dryly as I storm out of the room.

Everything is wrong with me.

Jack's POV:
'12:30 p.m.' I am introduced with when I turn on my phone. The bright, blue light creates a blur on the screen as I attempt to gain the strength to get out of bed. However, my whole entire body aches with both pain and regret. As I try to recall some of the events that occurred last night, I feel my head became a hundred pounds while trying to hold my body up. What did you do to yourself? Zach.

The last thing I remember is that I was pissed-off at Zach for ignoring my messages. You got drunk just because he was not answering you? That's pretty pathetic especially considering you also ignored Gabbie yourself last night. Shit.

What is happening to me?

After another half hour of slowly pulling myself out of bed, I make my way downstairs see Corbyn and Christina watching a movie together in the living room.

"Morning, King of 'Just Dance 2018'," Christina greets me laughing. Oh God no. Please. You did not embarrass yourself, did you?

"W-what?" I ask nervously.

"Damn, you really did drink a lot," Corbyn replies.

"When you Milly-rocked to Kesha, we really did have to yell 'timber'!" Christina adds as she and Corbyn have a laughing fit. Just ignore them.

"Hey uh, where is everybody?" I ask trying to change the subject.

"Well I think Zach is in our room, but I don't know about anyone else," Corbyn replies. Without another word, I dart back upstairs (as fast as I possibly can) to discover Zach laying on the floor in the front of his room with a tear-stained face and red cheeks.

"Hey," I say softly as I take a seat next to him.

Without a word, he stands up and exits the room.

And I have no idea why.

Author's Note:
- I am so sorry for the long wait, I could not decide on how to write this particular part and I don't know why. I know I constantly publish crappy filler chapters, but next part will be a lot more exciting.
- SOTS was absolutely incredible because I actually got to see Troye and WDW perform at the same festival which is beyond amazing! And I almost fainted when I witnessed a Jachary moment IRL!!!
- Okay, I'm going to bed now. Byeee

2:31 a.m.
Somebody help me, the sleep deprivation is real.

☆ P.S. Don't forget to vote please. ♡

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