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Wonpil stretches before he rests his chin on the long table, unconsciously pouting. Jinyoung, who's at his bookshop café counter, lands a gaze on his best friend. He exhales a sharp breath as he shakes his head and decides to leave his post for a while to approach the guy lazing around his café.

"Here." The younger slides a book on the table, gaining a surprised and confused look from the older "Read it to kill some time. Why would you want to wait for me to finish work just to let yourself be bored the whole day?"

Wonpil presses his lips together and stares at his best friend, shrugging his shoulder. "I don't have anything to do. And I only have you. Besides, you can just leave anytime and let your workers manage the shop." He pouts

Jinyoung creases his forehead and shakes his head mentally to refrain himself to be swayed by his friend's cuteness.

"You know I want to manage my shop hands-on." He retorts "Just read the book and I'm sure you won't notice the time passing"

Surrendering with another pout, the younger stretches his arm to reach the book. "Another coffee, please", he requests with a beam and the taller rolls his eyes but goes to make another cup of coffee anyway.

Wonpil starts reading and he yawns at the second page. Although he reads some book, he isn't like his best friend who's a total bookworm; no wonder he built a bookshop café for business. There are books for free reading as you stay at the café with a cup of coffee or a plate of pastry but there are also books that are exclusively for sale.

Jinyoung eyes his friend from time to time to check how the other is doing. Fortunately, the older seems immersed in what he's reading. He catches him smile one time and pout the other time.

"Hey, it's time to go now" Wonpil looks up with a questioning look and sees Jinyoung's eyebrows raised. He looks around to see the workers tidying up the place already and ready to close the shop.

"Uhh, sorry" He smiles guiltily "I didn't notice the time"

The taller snickers and shakes his head "Told ya" He beams making his eye wrinkles show "You can bring that home but be sure to take care of that baby"

"Baby..." Wonpil teases as he does a nose scrunch although he understands how much his friend love to take care of his books so much as if they're his children.

The brown-haired returned to the shop at early noon the next day with a bright and warm smile. "Jinyoungie", he grins while holding the book he borrowed close to his chest "I finished the book!"

The taller chortles and nods "Guessed you stayed up to finish it."

Wonpil smiles with his lips pressed together. His black-haired friend then encourages him to find another book to read. He nods eagerly and the other just shakes his head in amusement, being grateful that the former finally finds something he can do during vacation.

The older wanders around the place as his fingers travel on the shelves. What shall I read next? He pouts as he thinks of going at the farthest shelf. There might be a treasure at the corner; like a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.

While the black-haired tends to a newly arrived costumer, Wonpil fixes his eyes on the third row of the shelf, tapping his index finger on every book it passes. Pressing his lips together, he tilts his head as he puts his index at the top of a book, trying to hook it out. Seeing another book hidden behind it, he creases his forehead.

Why is this book here? He studies the whole shelf to find a space between books, trying to figure out where it's supposed to be placed. Did a costumer purposely hide it to read it next time? He protrudes his lips as he tilts some books to get the one hidden behind them.

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