Chapter 12: Into the Breach

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I slowed to a walk as I hit the roadway approaching the castle gates. I was out of breath from running as hard and fast as I did. Not to mention the fact that I just ran off without much of an explanation to three of the Sengoku Warlords, even though they are on the other side. Oh damn. I really slipped up. 'We did grow up and train together.' Well, to be honest we did. I can't say I've lied. Kenshin missed it, but Shingen sure didn't.

My heart was pounding in my chest, and for a minute I wasn't sure if it was because of my run or the fact that my thoughts suddenly went to Kenshin. He seemed as aloof and cold as usual, but damn. When he told Shingen to let go of me? That tone seemed tinged with more than a little warning, and oh yeah, I caught that. Granted, Shingen is that wonderfully mature hottie with eyes that speak volumes of sensuality, but his pick up lines suck. Kenshin really did not like Shingen touching me.

I scrunched my face up in mild annoyance. I had wanted to talk with Kenshin too. I never did get to properly thank him for saving my ass the other day. Just the brief thank you we had exchanged as we walked back to town that day doesn't feel like enough. I want to get to know him better, but open flirting I think would get me the opposite reaction that I want. I really want to see his eyes lose that cold glare when he looks at me. I shook my head trying to clear it of such impossible thoughts. Yeah. Right. Like that'll happen.

I walked slowly toward the gate to the castle, attempting to catch my breath. It wouldn't do to show up in front of Nobunaga all panting and such. No way I want him to know that I had hurried. He would definitely be the one to take it the wrong way, and point it out in front of everyone. Arrogant jerk. Nope. If he calls for me, fine, but I am not going to seek him out myself. That would be all levels of stupid.

The castle courtyard was full of more activity than I had seen in days, especially in the early afternoon. If that wasn't enough to clue me in that the Lord of the Castle had returned, then I was blind as well as deaf. Then I had a thought. He is going to be way to busy to deal with me today. He just got back, and I'm sure he is going to have tons of reports and such to go over of the things that happened while he was gone. That whole idea pulled a weight off my mind, and I went to the seamstress workroom.


Hideyoshi and Mitsunari sat on the tatami mat floor in front of Nobunaga, the three of them discussing the different accounts and general day to day management of such a large estate as Castle Azuchi. Nobunaga's eyes showed a little curiosity as he then continued to the subject of his lucky charm.

"And how was my little Fireball while I was away?"

"She has helped me tremendously with the basic running of the castle." Mitsunari's words were tinted with glowing admiration that took Nobunaga by surprise. "From organizing a schedule to keep from overworking the maid staff, to getting supplies ordered for the seamstress's and larder. She has proven to be quite useful. Add in her impressive work as a seamstress herself, and I am almost worried she may overwork herself."

Hideyoshi chimed in at this point.

"We keep getting requests for Kimono and Haori made by her. Enough that I have had to make a list of the requests. Her work is in high demand."

"Then there was the incident...." Mitsunari shook his head.

"Incident? What incident?" Nobunaga instantly looked to Hideyoshi for explanation.

"One of the chefs cut himself severely in a kitchen accident. Mitsunari and I were going over the seamstress accounts with her when one of the maids arrived."

"It really was amazing." Mitsunari couldn't seem to help himself, and Hideyoshi's eyes took on a suspicious hardness.

"Too amazing if you ask my opinion."

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