Chapter 56: When Morning Comes....

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Kenshin came awake immediately, the thought that something was wrong snapping his eyes open, making him reach blindly for his sword. His hand grasped the hilt, and he froze, realizing exactly what had woke him as Alexis moved again, her head resting comfortably on his shoulder, the palm of her hand caressing across his bare chest in her sleep. Ever so slowly, he released his grip on the sword, pulling his hand back.

The whole situation was so completely new to him, this waking with someone, feeling their warmth tucked around him. He was almost afraid he was dreaming, that a single wrong movement would cause the woman in his arms to disappear as if she had never even existed. He wasn't dreaming was he?

Kenshin's blue and green eyes looked over at the beautiful red-head curled so trustingly around his body, her hair unbound falling across her porcelain features like a veil. That was his fault. He distinctly remembered pulling the odd round cable from her hair, watching as the red silk fell about her shoulders, plunging his hand into her tresses as he pulled her head and claimed her soft lips.

The look on Kenshin's face was so foreign, and completely uncharacteristic of the God of War, his lips settled into a satisfied small smile, and the gentlest of gazes at the sleeping Alexis. He brushed her hair off her face with his hand, tucking the strands back behind her ear so he could see more of her face. She was such a strong woman, a temper to rival the fire in her hair, and passion to match, both in and out of bed. Briefly he wondered which God had granted him their favor, and sincerely hoped they wouldn't rescind it as Alexis started to stir from sleep.


I was warm and comfortable, my mind slowly coming to wakefulness and I didn't want to even open my eyes. I attempted to stretch, but found myself almost unable to move. It was than that my mind finally came awake, and the memory of last night (or was it this morning?) flooded my consciousness. Oh, yeah...I remember this feeling. I slowly opened my eyes, and the bright jade and azure of Kenshin's eyes greeted mine, a look of gentle affection in his handsome face almost taking my breath away.

He's always so full of surprises....I could get used to this....

The amount of light filtered through the paper windows led me to believe that either it was still early in the morning, or it was one hell of a dreary day. Either thought only made me want to stay in bed longer, and wrapped around Kenshin as I was, I was really loathe to move.

"Morning..." My voice sounded low and husky with sleep, but in reality it was more likely the after effect of all the noise I'm sure I was making last night. I got loud, and thankfully Kenshin didn't seem to mind in the least. It was all his fault anyway. He took my chin in his hand and held me in place, his lips meeting mine in a slow lingering kiss.

I could -really- get used to this.

He pulled back, still looking at me, although now with a mix of satisfaction and possession rolled into a ball of sensuality that took my breath away. If this was how things were going to be between us from now on, there was no way in Hell I was ever going to give it up.

Wormhole, be damned. If I'm going to be with Kenshin from now on? Nope, the future can go to Hell....

"Did you sleep well?"

A slow grin crept across my face as my mind took stock of my physical state. I was sore in all the right places, still tired, but damn...I wanted another round.

"I think that was more of a nap than actual sleep, Kenshin." My hand caressed the skin of his chest is slow lazy circles, relishing the feel of him as I tried to snuggle even closer to him. Kenshin's arms came around me in a warm embrace, holding me close as he kissed the top of my head with a sigh.

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