We looked so happy. So in love.
What happened to us? Why did this happen to only us?I wanted to curse the world and all of those in it. You were forced into hiding after having to deal with obsessive fans.
You didn't call or text me for weeks. I called though, wishing for You to be alright.
Your smile gave me relief and had clamed my nerves. Your soothing voice written you spoke to me.
Sounded so angelic, something i could listen to forever. The last time i heard from you. Was the day you went into hiding.
"Don't worry, lets just worry about them later. Let's focus on more important matters" I told you and you agreed greatfully and i couldnt help but smile. You were always nice and understanding to me.
Fanfiction"Pick the time and place you always do" "Lets have our secret rendezvous" "Im the one who needs your love" Jimin and his mystery girl go on secret outings Ranks: Rendezvous-#6 2k18-#32 PJM-#119 Beyondthescene-#114 Kpopfanfic:#438 Chapters range from...