not tag pt. 2

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personally i'm tired so instead of doing the tag i'll just bestow upon you some vaguely relevant information on myself


1. it took me mONTHS to actually get into BTS. like i heard about them a lot and i was like, cool, that's nice, i wanna try that, but i never actually committed to it? i listened to like the same three songs all the time and i didn't get involved in the fandom for m o n t h s. and then it all.,, tumbled ? i just, i fell completely in, no return, here i am writing fANFICTIONs

2. i'm pretty tall (5ft7/170cm)


4. i'm going to boarding school !! its p cool, they offer dance classes and have a legitimate art program, unlike the school i went to last year that put wAY too much money into sports plus i don't have to be around my family nearly as much

5. i love orange juice and orange-flavored candies but i hATE ORANGES. fresh oranges make me feel sick

6. i also hate jello

7. i dyed my hair purple using temp dye a few weeks ago and it made my mom really mad but it was hella fun and looked hella awesome !!!!

8. i love grammar (i read grammar books for fun, sometimes) but i also love using 'incorrect' punctuation to emphasize my tone when i text. like instead of 'awesome!' i'll say something like 'awesome !!' and i use lots of commas and question marks

9. i'm learning korean on my own and when school starts up, i'll be taking a chinese class

10. i want to learn to play like 9 different instruments, mainly piano and guitar. i can play only the opening melody of 'I Need U' on the piano but i can't read bass clef (i played flute for three years) and certainly can't play a different part with each hand yet

11. i'm really quiet but REALLY LOUD

12. i cry really easily oof. sometimes when a certain songs comes on or when i see some beautiful pictures of my favorite men, my throat will close up a bit and tears will legitimately come to my eyes. i also cry at pretty much any other emotion

lmao that's all for now goodbye

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