Chapter 1- Symphony

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January 12, 2018

You never know what fighting to the death is like, until you actually do it. And in this moment, I couldn't think of a better description than fighting for my life. As Sebastian was being held captive by the Tazers, I swiftly slashed my wooden stake, hoping to catch one of them by surprise. Snow was falling around us, which made the blood from their mouths seem a brighter chrimson than usual. Without thinking, I rapidly drew back my stake, and just as I was about to hit my target, my whole world went dark. Pure ebony black. Before I knew it, I was heading into an undiscovered abyss...

August 19, 2016

I wake to the sound of my neon pink alarm clock going off in its normal, annoying fashion. I groggily stumble up, just barely hitting the "off" button before I clumsily trip on a pile of cluttered, unpacked boxes. I just moved in, and I was NOT looking forward to my first day to my new school. I thought maybe if I didn't unpack, I wouldn't be subjected to this terrible fate. Evidently I was wrong. Thanks to the boxes and my typical clumsiness, I'm wide awake, with a newly forming bruise on my left shin. "Melody!! Time for school!" My mom calls on her usual cheery fashion. Heading over to my wide closet, I take a deep breath and pick out my usual outfit: faded black jeans, my favorite worn combat boots, the classic band t-shirt, and a plain black hoodie. Choice of the day? Slipknot. They will honestly never die out. Slowly walking over to my bathroom door, I prepare myself for the monster ahead. As I stare blankly into the mirror, I realize I look paler than I normally do. With a light pink blush, heavy dark eye makeup, and a quick spritz of hairspray,  I'm pretty much ready; but of course I have to stand there for half an hour straightening my black and hot pink, nappy, uncooperative hair. After 35 minutes of puffy frustration, I grab my classic black Jansport backpack covered in band pins, and my 5 brand new class books, which were about 4 inches thick, and shut my pearl white door.

Walking down stairs I smell a very elaborate breakfast, and I consider silently walking back upstairs and just hiding out. I decide that I have to face this day sooner or later, so why not now? "Hurry, you're going to be late," my mom says. "I'll just drive myself today," I tell her, but the look in her eyes tells me she would much rather take me to my first day. I guess it's a mom thing I'll never understand. "Eat," she says. "Actually, I'm pretty anxious to see the school," I tell her. Which isn't a complete lie. I didn't want to see the school, but I was DEFINITELY anxious to get out of the house.. I know we just moved, but I wanted to spend as little time in there as possible.

The whole car ride was quiet and awkward. The worst part was my mom insisted on driving me into the drop off lane, and about 30 people watched my mommy driving me to school.. when I was a JUNIOR. But as I looked into her beautiful, Hershy kiss eyes, I knew she'd felt so much better. I got out of the our cute little Volkswagen Bug, preparing for the day ahead. As I stepped up the leaf-blanketed stairs, I saw a guy who looked like he should be in a storybook. As I looked directly into his intoxicating, obsidian eyes, I was put in a trace, and place where nothing else mattered. A place where.....

BAM. Right before I knew what was going on a stinging pain speared my brain and I felt concrete burning my arms. As I pushed myself off the ground, I looked up to see the those same gorgeous black eyes. He started handing me my books and dusting me off. And then it hit me: I had just tripped down the stairs in front of about 50 people. But more importantly, this perfect somebody.

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