Chapter 1 ; Leaving the cocoon

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I was so excited to be moving in with my brother Leo , my dad , not so much . He was one of the most over protective people you will EVER meet . He still can't get over the fact that I'm 21 going on 22 in October . It's currently early may

and I have just finished getting my degree at University of Texas . You might be wondering how I graduated when I was 21 , well I took summer school every year and I graduated early from high school .

You are probably thinking how does she not play soccer , in fact I do . I played soccer and the flute in both high school and college . UT knew me for band since I got a scholarship for band and then got on the soccer team . It was hard but I did it . Enough information about me kinda , another reason why I'm moving is because I was asked to be on the FC Barcelona Women's team . This was the first time I playing at a club since I thought select soccer was stupid when you could go to a camp and learn the same stuff , plus my mom insisted that I played for her and not select or a club .

Anyways , enough about me . I was talking to my dad telling him about everything I just said .

" Kira , I still don't think you're ready to move to Spain with Leo , it's a foreign country and I don't want you getting hurt ! " my dad said for the hundredth time now .

" Dad , I went to college , graduated , and am still in one piece . " I said back as I started making hush puppies for one of the last dinners at my dads . He stopped talking and we both started cooking .

That dinner was very silent from my end . My step mom was very excited for me to see some of the world since I'm the youngest out of my family except my niece who is now 2 and my step cousin but that's a whole different story . My sister was also excited for me too and told me she would buy my ticket for the Lana Del Rey concert and I thanked her . Ever since I've finished college before her she's kind of excluded me from when her and my other step sister Brittney . After I started talking my dad said that we should go play one last game of tennis before I leave . My dad hates soccer to an extreme and wished that I played softball or tennis since but I didn't take after his last name , it was my mothers , so soccer was not in his blood what so ever . I enjoyed tennis and I was a game I always beat Leo in no matter what . It was my second favorite after soccer .

I had finished dinner and had gotten a text message from and unknown number .


" Hey Kira ! I play on Barca with your brother and was wondering if you'd like to hang out after our last practice before we all go to the World Cup ? I can't tell you who I am but you will know once you see me ;) "


" uhm sure why not , did Leo give you my number or something , can I call you or something ... ? "

That person didn't reply so I stopped worrying about it and got ready for tennis . By the end I had won a little over half the matches . When we got home and showered and laid down and close my eyes then I got a text from that person .


" Yes he did , and no I can't I'm sorry , you'll have to wait ;) "

I read it and didn't reply , what's with him and winky faces . I shook off that thought and put my head drifted off to sleep .

The next morning I got packed and was getting ready until my niece opened my door and came in my room . Riley always had made me feel happy . I was told that she was spending the night and that I should stay . I decided why not since I'm going to miss a lot of her learning more words and all that fun stuff .

I called my mom and she seemed stressed but I told her that we have a night together before we leave and not to worry .

I wasn't told that my sisters were going to see lady gaga . This is and example of what I said earlier . It broke my heart since I had introduced lady gaga to them . I got over it and just carried on .

* later that night *

It was about 12 when I finally rested my head on my pillow . About twenty minutes later my niece had woken up , great , so i tried for two hours and she finally went back to sleep .

I had set an alarm for 9 and woke up at 10 and freaked out . I rushed past my sisters trying to say good morning and quickly went to get ready . I was freaking out and then I heard a knock and it was Nat .

" I'm sorry about not getting you a ticket , I knew you were going to be here but it was selling out and before we could ask you Brit only bought two . I got you a shirt . " she said as a smile crept onto her face . I faked a smile and thanked her . After our moment I shooed her out and packed that shirt . I packed my Camero I had gotten when I graduated high school from my mom and said my last good byes and headed out .

thank you for reading , 10 votes by August ? (:

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