Bio-Bot started to get close to home and stared at his new fully regenerated left arm. He opened it, then tightened it into a fist.
"I can't believe my left forearm was regenerating from within my hook. I have both my arms now!" said Bio-Bot.
He arrived at the harbour, parked the one-man boat and walked home to the Base of the Bio-Warrior Army, yet he swears that the Black Star has started to glow brighter since he killed Dark Bio-Bot with a chest stab.
He walked and walked, then spotted someone with blonde hair, blue eyes and glasses. He had some sort of memory to that one, like some sort of connection to him...
"That person... looks familiar," thought Bio-Bot.
He ran towards this person, to ask who he was. Yet found out later he was going to the Bio-Warrior Army base. Bio-Bot later dashed to it in a different direction at Mach 4 speed.
Soon, he got to the base, then opened the door, only to find that unknown person in the base!
"What?!" said Bio-Bot.
The stranger turned around, then smiled when he saw Bio-Bot and ran to him.
"Oh my god! You're alive Kyle! I thought you were dead!" said the stranger.
"What?" asked Bio-Bot.
The 18-yr old hugged Bio-Bot.
"Come on, bro! It's me, Sam!" said Sam.
"I don't remember... having a brother," said Bio-Bot.
"WHAT?! Oh, come on, being without me for so long made you forget me? Well... does Samuel Knights ring any bells?" said Samuel.
Bio-Bot closed his eyes to remember... then later found some memories about Samuel. He then hugged Samuel, smiling and crying tears of joy.
Everyone looked down to the two brothers and were a bit confused on what was going on, except MurSur.
"He had a brother?" asked Gene.
"It seems that Bio-Bot had a brother named Samuel Knights and his real name is Kyle. It's best if we call him by how we introduced ourselves to that hero, and not by his real name of Kyle," said MurSur.
Bio-Bot showed his brother Samuel Knights around the base. All the bedrooms, and other rooms, plus the training grounds and, of course, the other members of the B.W.A.
"Hello everyone! I am Samuel Knights!" said Sam.
"Sup? I'm Gene the Sayian,"
"My name is MurSur Robert,"
"I'm Terrason Earthmight!"
"Rushton Smitely here!"
"Tech-0-Tron's the name!"
"Hey there, I'm Angelina Anuji,"
"Arch String,"
Everyone turned to Furr-Tail when he appeared out of nowhere.
Then Furr-Tail just walked away, then bolting it when Rushton tried to shoot him and kill him.
"The F*CK was that thing?!?!" said Rushton.
Everyone else shrugged. MurSur just stood and looked a piece of old paper the weirdo dropped.
"Dual Flame..." thought MurSur. He took the sheet to his lab and used the machinery he made himself to scan what it is, when it was made and why it exists.
Night-Boy later walked to everyone seeing Samuel.
"What is going on?" said Night-Boy.
Samuel saw the little guy and had no idea that what he was.
"What are you?" Samuel asked Night-Boy.
"Night-Boy. I'm a Nightmare Spirit who left the others because I'm a peaceful little guy," said Night-Boy.
"Why are you fat?" added Samuel.
"Blame Novultorus for that... he made me like this during my construction. Used Nightmare Balloon Boy from Five Nights at Freddy's 4 for my base. Doesn't really bother me anyway," explained Night-Boy.
"You came here... why though?" asked Arch, looking at an arrow.
Samuel chose not to answer. Instead he wanted to see what his brother has become.
"Can I see what you've done while I was gone?" asked Sam.
Bio-Bot thought "Why not?" and showed him his most favourite form. Bio-Bot used his power to call for the Starites and used their power to become Bio-Bot EX.
"Woah. That's weird," said Samuel.
"Not really. I'm just slightly better at everything and I can fly freely!" said Bio-Bot.
Samuel was still confused.
"Well, I'll be off, and I might as well stay like this," said Bio-Bot.
Bio-Bot then left the building and flew through the air like a human bird. He decided to just have a gentle fly yet stared at the black star. It glowed brighter... and brighter... It looked it's gonna...
"OH SUGAR!!" shouted Bio-Bot. He just avoided the unknown thing, getting his skin scratched, yet the star stayed still. Bio-Bot flew down. He swore that thing look familiar. One he hasn't seen in a long time...
"What is that?" thought Bio-Bot.
The thing moved upright and screamed.
"I'm back mother fuckers!" roared the thing. The smoke cleared away, then Bio-Bot fled away to take the information IN. It was who Dark Bio-Bot mention before he died...
Nightmare the Nightmare Spirit!
"Oh no, not him!!" thought Bio-Bot.
FantasyThe first story of my own series! I hope you'll enjoy this. Future Chapters will include mature content.