Chapter 11

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Fusion Failure

Bio-Bot EX flew back to the Bio-Warrior Army base after seeing what he couldn't believe he saw. Nightmare the Nightmare Spirit! He thought he killed that demon over a year ago, but now he's back!!

"Oh god, oh god, oh god!!! He's back! I can't believe it!!" said Bio-Bot. He flew to the training grounds outside and landed and reverting, sending the Starites to where they hide for safety. As he was about to run inside, Terrason bolted outside and looked to Bio-Bot, happy.

"Hey man, ready to do more fusion training?" asked Terrason.

"Terrason, not now please!" said Bio-Bot.

"Come on..." nudged Terra.

"NO!!! Instead, get everyone!" ordered Bio-Bot.

Terrason dashed inside the base and went all over the base to gather every one in the team. True, Bio-Bot is 16 years old, but he was made the leader of the team. Terra told each one member that Bio-Bot wanted everyone outside. Soon everyone gathered and Terra was out of breath from all his running.

"Well everyone... I have got grave news... Nightmare the Nightmare Spirit is back!!"

"WHAT?!" shouted Tech-0-Tron, Angelina, Terrason, Arch, and Rushton.

"Who?" asked Gene and Samuel.

Bio-Bot face-palmed.

"He's demon that has the form of an animatronic straight from a nightmare, yet can act like a damn human being," said Rushton.

"Sounds like something Kakarot defeated," stated Gene.

"Can you defeat Goku without any use of MurSur's help since you can't reach the levels of Super Sayian Blue yourself?" said Bio-Bot.

"SHUT UP ABOUT KAKAROT!!! I'll beat him one day! When... I get... back to my world..." said Gene, quietly.

"WHAT?" shouted everyone.

"You aren't from this world!?" said Terra.

"I'm a SAYIAN. Isn't it supposed to be bloody clear?!" said Gene.

Bio-Bot looked to Terra.

"Let's fuse, quickly," said Bio-Bot.

Terra smiled and got ready, waiting.

"Look, everyone. Me and Terra are gonna train with our fusion. Get ready!" said Bio-Bot.

"You've been going at this for days! Take a break!" said Angelina.

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