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    "Are you happy about your dating party today" my mom gushed flicking on my light switch. I had to force myself to send out the invitations and promote the event on my social media. The party is the celebrate Luna and I being together for only three months, time flies by when your miserable. Surprisingly , I've come to terms that Luna isn't that hard to deal when she acts her age.

     Pushing the covers off me, I straight faced her in annoyance. "I'm cooling" I replied hoping she would get the sign to leave me alone.

   "I'm happy that you gave Luna a chance, I really see a future for you two" she smiled coming over to hug me. I forced a smile replying back to one of my hoes on the side. Yeah, I tried to fight the feeling of cheating but the relationship is forced anyway. I'm secretly doing me until this until this fake relationship passes on by.

     "Thank you ma, you should go finish cooking before the guests get here" mother agreed leaving me to my thoughts. I'm hoping that everything runs smoothly today because the drama is something I wanted to stay far away from.

     Leon walked in running his hands through his curls, he took out his ear buds, jumping into my bed. "Who is Crystal , Lola, and Mistie" he asked checking my phone at the messages.

   "Some girls I use to suck me up, every now and then. I don't stick my dick in anyone except Javon" Leon laughed throwing my phone at my side.

   "You might as well let the fantasy go because sis moved on" I shook my head as the pictures of BJ and her on her Instagram popped into my head. Lately the two had became extra close, always being together. It's even times we he would spend the night leaving me up thinking what could they possibly be doing laying in the same bed.

      It baffled me that he knew where she lived and I didn't have a clue. "She ain't moved on from good, this is all to make me jealous. C'mon you actually believe that she's completely over me" I turned to Leon hoping he could convince me that Javon still had feelings for me.

    "Anything to help you sleep at night, bro" he shrugged replying to a text on his phone. "The boys been clowning yo' ass since you been out the house with Luna duck ass"

  "You invited Javon" he asked and I nodded. On invitations I made it seem like it a innocent get together not the real thing my mom wanted it to be. She barely used Instagram so she wouldn't be able to see the post anyway. Everyone I knew wasn't coming, it's just the most trusted people in my circle or if someone brought a plus one.

"Yea she said she would slide through with Milan"

     "Speaking of Milan, we're not on speaking terms" Leon spoke holding his head down. He tossed me his phone showing the messages , basically asking if they were still together. She told him no and said they were only speaking regarding the baby. From the looks of things, you could tell this bothered him.

"The couple of the year, not on speaking terms" I said sarcastically passing back his phone. I've never known Leon nor Milan to cheat so I'm lost.

"On a drunken night Amber gave me head" Leon spoke shamefully. He fiddled with his fingers looking down in his lap. "That alone almost lead to some other things , luckily I sobered up"

I shook my head. "Usually I would be on your side but that's fucked up bro. Did you tell her or did she find out"

"She found out from Amber apparently she's been fucking around with Carlos to" I sighed not even thinking on how to fix that. When Milan really had her mind set on something , there wasn't no turning back. I've known Milan for years and she's definitely the stubborn type, she can hold a grudge.

Cheating is the number one pet peeve that she had , so I'm just wishing Leon good luck. "Hopefully, tonight you can fix things"


Hours has passed and it's finally time to start the gathering. My bros were the first to come, we passed around a blunt trying to calm my nerves. Millions of thought kept running a mile a minute but I don't have the time to dwell on them.

I hooked up my phone to the Bluetooth speaker, playing something random from my playlist. Luna sat down by me wrapping her arms around my shoulders. I awkwardly kissed her forehead hearing the aw's in the background. This is honestly going to be the hell of a night.

"Lamar, Milan and Javon are here" my mom called rolling her eyes. Milan gave me a side hug and Javon just waved keeping her distance. Not even a moment later, BJ came in greeting Javon with a tongued down kiss. That alone ruined my night , I couldn't let them see me sweat, at least not BJ.

"Baby, please let me talk to you" Leon begged following her to the snack table.

"Baby? I wasn't baby two months ago" Milan replied scooping some macaroni into her plate.

My eyes trailed back over to the couple across from me, Javon and BJ. The gripped on Luna's arm tightened seeing him touch Javon's thigh. Instead of pushing him away, she giggled playfully touching. BJ whispered something in her ear, biting his bottom lip.

Watching Javon get up from the plastic seat, she pointed towards the direction of the bathroom telling BJ her whereabouts. About a minute later, I moved Luna's arm from around my shoulder. "I'm going to go get something for my mom" I lied heading towards the bathroom. On my journey I got stopped plenty of times but I'm on a mission.

      Seeing Javon make her way out the bathroom, I pushed her back in. Before she could scream, I quickly covered her mouth telling her to calm down. "What the fuck, Lamar" she huffed loudly rolling her eyes. "You don't think this is gonna look suspicious"

      "I'm not worried about that, I'm worried about the fact that your dating BJ" Javon rolled her eyes again balling up her fist.

   "You stopped me to spit the same bullshit, the last time I saw you"

   "I miss you, you never text or call anymore" I stepped closer touching her new hair style. "You can rock anything, you look sexy" I leaned in trying to kiss her , she swerved away opening the door.

    "I'm not ruining what I have with BJ, we've moved on , it's for the best" Javon weakly smiled heading for the door.   

    Pulling her arm back, I sighed. "You don't mean that, I'm the only one, you truly connect with."

    "Bye Lamar"

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