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Your feet burn from the heat of the sand as you take your final steps towards her. You ache with weariness, for your journey has been long. She gazes down at you with a face as impassive as stone, but in her eyes, you see the wisdom of a thousand years. You drop to  your knees before her, your head bowed. You are at her mercy.

Welcome to Sphinx Critiques, where you can apply to have your book torn apart. It's a daunting feat you're about to undertake, but don't turn back now! We know you have it in you.

Sphinx Critiques is a writer resource, which means that unlike Siren Song, our feedback will be directed towards the author, not the reader. You may only apply for your own book to be critiqued. 

If you want to know if your writing is as good as you and your mom think it is, this is the place to find out. Our critics will be anonymous, as we don't want anyone being chased with torches and pitchforks, and our critiques will be written using the following formula:


 (5) AESTHETICS: Does your book use high-quality art and media to lure us in, or is it a bit of an eyesore?

(10) GRAMMAR: Do you have the English language down pat, or does your grammar make us want to kill it with fire?

(10) HOOK: Does your intro leave us burning for more, or are we struggling to keep reading?

(10) PLOT: Is your pacing perfectly balanced to keep us engaged but not confused, or is it all over the place?

(10) CHARACTERS: Are your characters so well-developed they leap off the page, or are they boring and one-dimensional?

(5) ORIGINALITY: Do you stand out from other members of your genre, or is it pretty much same old same old?

Of course, as always with critiques, we have to consider bias. Everyone has their own personal likes and dislikes, and very often they result in works being rated unfairly. To guard against this, your book will receive multiple ratings from multiple critics, and these will be averaged out for your overall score, which will be shown in the final critique. Please note that while our critiques will not be mean, they will be tough. 

Are you ready to do this? Here are the rules:

1. We critique up to five chapters, not including introduction/author note/glossary/etc. (though these may be taken account in your score). At this point, we should be able to gague where your main plot is going and where your strengths and weaknesses lie

2. Your book must be a mythological read, meaning it contains mythological elements (gods, monsters, myths, legends, folklore, etc.)

3. NO HATE. You need to be prepared to hear things you may not like, and if you can't deal with that in a mature way, we'd appreciate it if you didn't apply. Our critiques will not be taken down unless our head admin deems them overly harsh and/or mean. People who harass this account or our members will be blocked. To show that you understand and agree to these terms, include the name of your favorite myth or mythological being in your form.

And now that you've read this whole chapter, there's no way you'll turn back now, so you might as well fill out the form.



What makes your book a mythological read?:

Does your book contain anything that might make a critic uncomfortable?:


PLEASE NOTE: It is important to include if your book has content that might make a critic uncomfortable, such as sexual scenes, gore, extreme language, or LGBT+ content. Everyone has their own preferences and we'd like to make sure you get critiqued by someone who doesn't mind reading those kinds of books. You will not be denied a critique for having these elements to your story.

Please reply to the comment by @RavenclawProdigy here to post your form ----------->>>>>

You will be PMed your results from this account. We regret that your results may not be sent immediately. We will do our best, but it is not guaranteed to be fast.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 31, 2018 ⏰

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