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-Nikki P.O.V-
I looked up at the blue bright sky, the sun rays were just touching my face with a light tan. I was waiting for max and Neil to show up. I missed them, I was actually really excited for this summer. I had a really happy feeling embedded in my chest. I looked out at the sparkling lake with the light breeze blowing my hair back a bit. Ah, nature just what I wanted. Oddly, only some of the other campers were here. Preston, Nurf, Nerris, and Harrison. I looked back out at the beautiful lake. It was peaceful.... for 10 seconds.
"Max! What the fuck?" Gwen screamed from the far side of the mess hall. I saw max running from the side of the building with a angry Gwen running right behind him. He was holding a letter of some sort. Max was laughing and waving it up and around.
"So, what's this Gwen?" Max said.
"None, of your business!" Gwen yelled.
"Max are we REALLY going to start this summer off with you being a piece of shit." Gwen calmly said.
I looked at them in shock and all the other campers were doing the same.
"Max!" I yelled. Immediately he looked up and dropped the letter which Gwen snatched right away.
"Hey, Nikki." He said in a rude tone.
"Hey!" I said happily.
"So, have you seen Neil?" I asked impatiently. Ever sense the little scene that went down last summer, she couldn't wait to see him again.
"No." Max said blank faced.
"Nikki!" Neil screamed. I saw a glimpse of the tall boy now 15. She ran and hugged him with all her heart.
"Oh my gosh, I haven't seen you in forever!" I said excitedly.
"I know!" Neil said. We stood there are eyes met and it felt like we were the only people standing there. But of course that moment of happiness was ruined as I saw someone waving a hand in front of our locked eyes.
"Guys! Neil, Nikki you there?" Max said. I gave him a really annoyed look and grabbed Neil by the hand and we sat down on the soft vibrant green grass. Max sadly sat down as well but kept his distance. Max was one of our best friends, but sometimes he was such an annoyance. After a couple minutes we were all in a circle talking about life. We still hadn't seen David yet, which was really odd for the first day of camp. We saw Gwen leaning  against the door to the mess hall. But no David.
"Hm, where do you think David is?" I said.
"I dunno, but at least he's not pumping are heads with fun camp stuff for the summer." Neil noted.
"So, what was that note?" I whispered to max.
"Well I didn't read all of it, but it said something about a guy in the city." Max said.
"Ooooo, does Gwen have a boyfriend?" I wondered out loud. 
"Have you guys ever had a girlfriend before?" I said.
"What? Fuck no." Max yelled.
"Well I've never had a boyfriend before." I said sadly. As soon as I said that I felt a hand grip my hand and I looked up my face a bright pink. Neil was holding my hand.
"You'll find a boyfriend soon, your a great person. How could no guy like you?" He said happily. I smiled brightly at him. Max was looking away from us towards the mess hall his eyes were wide and he looked really scared. David was standing by the log built building. And was holding a bunch of random stuff.
"Oh, lord here we go." Max said. All three of us got up and walked over. I  couldn't stop thinking about what Neil had just said. "A great person, how could no one like you?" I kept it in the back of my brain. Maybe he was just being a good friend. I kept walking and went towards the other campers, and our two councilors.

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