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I didn't know my aunt and uncle weren't my parents until I was 7 years old. Exactly when I started school. It looks like everyone else knew about it, except me.

'Wake up already, you'll be late for school!!' came my aunt's shrieking voice.
'Coming' called back my moaning voice. I just hate waking up in the morning! Slowly I pushed the sheets off, and gathered all my energy to sit up in my bed.
Instead of feeling fresh and energetic, I was tired as always, but when I'm supposed to go to bed, of course my energy won't let me sleep.
I slipped out of bed, and went downstairs to make some breakfast. I made some fruit salad for myself. My uncle, Martin gave me a stare he would probably save when he would get a sight of a UFO.
'Wuts wong?' I asked with my mouth full of yummy fruits.
'Are you going to eat that for breakfast??' And he still couldn't help, but stare at my food.
'How can you possibly go to school with an empty tummy? You can't go like that! Here, eat some of this.' he insisted, and put some bread and sausages on a plate and pushed it towards me.
'Are you serious? I'm fine with my salad! You can get full with it as well! I don't want to eat sausages today! Just leave me alone, please?'
'I didn't ask you whether you want to eat it or not, you were asked to eat it.' said my uncle with a strict tone.
'Why can't I eat whatever I want to? Why do you always have to tell.... OUCH!!' I shouted, and tears started to stream down my face immediately.
Uncle Martin lost temper as always, and slapped me on the face. Why, you ask? Because I didn't follow his ruddy rules, thats why.
'Oh my goodness, don't hurt her Martin!' This was supposed to be my aunt's type of protection. It already happened, so there's no need to protect me anymore...
'I asked you to eat the sausage!' yelled Uncle Martin, as his face went red.
I didn't protest anymore. I grabbed the sausages, and swallowed the bites I took in quiet.
Meanwhile Uncle Martin instructed Aunt Molly to scrape the salad into the garbage. No! I bought those fruits on my own money from doing chores for Mrs. Norton, our neighbor!!

 I couldn't wait to get out of that house. I grabbed my bag and ran out the door. As soon as I closed the door, I bursted into tears.  We lived on a farm, about five minutes away from the village, so I had enough time on our dirt road to try and hide my feelings.  I dried off my tears with my sleeves, and took deap breathes until I felt no more desire to cry. I finally reached the bus stop, and waited for the bus. I couldn't control my thoughts. Why did my parents have to die? Why do I have to live with my stupid uncle? Why can't I just... ask for a loving family? One stray tear drained down my face, but I wiped it before more would follow. The bus arrived, and I found a seat. I looked out the window and thought about how much I hate horses for killing my parents. Anger filled my veins, and when someone wanted to sit beside me, I just screamed at them.

'I hate horses!' I suddenly realised what I've done, and looked up to see a guy making a pretty wierd face at me.
'Uh, sorry about that' I tried to apologize, but to my surprise, he sat down beside me. 'Hey, no prob, sometimes I can feel as mad too.'
'Oh...' I automatically moved away from him.
'Are you scared of me?' He asked. He looked at me seriously, but I could see laughter hiding in his eyes.
'No, of course not! I was....eh... making some space for you'.
'You sure? I can find another seat if your not OK with me sitting here.' He had a very kind smile.
'Uh.. I guess you can stay.' I didn't like talking to people, so I turned to look back out the window. I felt him staring at me the whole time, but I would've never looked to check.
He stood up before the bus came to a stop, but while waiting for other people to get off, he smiled wierdly again, and said: 'It was nice talking  to you' and took off. I stood up, took my bag, and got off the bus myself. The guy was out of sight already. Hey, what's wrong with myself, why would I want him to be here anyways? I don't even know him! The bus rolled off, and suddenly someone behind me laughed.
'Looking for someone?' I spun around to see the guy recently sitting with me on the bus. He was wearing his smile again, which started to really irritate me.
'Nah, not anyone that's important.' I answered quickly.
'Oh OK, so that surely wasn't me then!' And he smiled. 
'Stop it already, will you??'
'Stop what?' And he smiled again!
My hand swung, and landed on his left cheek.
'Haha, at least now I know which hand of yours I should be alert to.' And what did he do?? He SMILED!!!
'Get lost.'
'Oh, OK. Your wish is my command.'He turned to look at me one more time, and walked off to the opposite side of the street.

School was,  well,  school. Good ol' school. Yeah,  sure. I was doodling in my notebook, when I was called out to talk about algebra equations. I got an A, as always, and my classmates snorted as they heard my mark. They just hated me for being a straight A student. They called me names... fatty, as*h*le, b*tch, you name it. No one liked a girl who lost their parents, and wouldn't talk to anyone. Fatty. This hurted me the most. I wasn't fat, moreover kind of skinny, but I hated to be called like that, just because Uncle Martin fed me his sausages every day. After school, I went to the grocery store and found some grapes for only a few dollars. After checking it out, I stuffed it in my bag, and ran to the bus. I rushed to sit down, not looking around me. When I looked up, I realised what a mistake I've done. I took a seat next to that annoying, smiling guy.
'Looks like I didn't get lost enough?' He asked, with his irritating perfect smile.
'Leave me alone already.' I said, mad from that guy giving me the tingles.
'Well.... you were the one that sat beside me in the first place.'
'OK look, just don't talk to me. Thanks.' If only I could've taken out my phone, but... I didn't have one. I took out the grapes I bought, and trying to look as awkward as possible, I started eating them.
'Sorry for speaking, but you look really cute eating those grapes...' and he didn't forget his smile either.
'OK Mr. Smile, why are you stalking me?' I put a handful of grapes in my mouth after talking.
'Hmm... Mrs. Grapes, I'm sure enough cause.... I.... I would.... I would like some grapes!'
'Take as much as you want, and try to choke on them. Good luck.' And I let him take a handful of grapes himself.
We ate the grapes without either of us talking again. I was kind of freaking out about the situation. After all, a stranger was eating my food, and complimenting me. I just wasn't used to these kinds of things.  I was thinking of a way to try and act a bit kinder.
'What's your name?' Is the only thing I was capable of thinking.
'Glad you asked! It's Ethan!'
'Can't you even introduce yourself properly???' I was going crazy with this guy.
'Maybe I don't. Show me how you introduce yourself! He keeped on smiling, so I rather not add that detail from now on.
'I'm Elena Jenkins. Your supposed to say your last name as well when you introduce yourself.' I said, as if I was to teach a 5 year old.
'Ooh, I get it now! Well, next time I'll know how to! Thanks Elena!'
'Hey, stop!!! You didn't tell me your full name!!!' But the bus's door flung open, and off Ethan went. Wow, he just tricked me. How can I be such a fool? God I need to pay more attention when I'm close to him... Wait. No, what am I thinking??  I'll be close to him again??? No no no, forget him!! Uh, stupid Ethan!!

Vote, comment, and read as much as Ethan smiles!
Love, Z.♡

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