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That night I just couldn't get any sleep. The moment I started dreaming with Ethan, I sat up in my bed, and slapped myself on the face. Ethan, just stop haunting me! Please...

Around half past four, I couldn't go back to sleep. I got out of bed, and read my biology book. Don't judge, what else could I do? At least I'm doing something useful.

One hour later, I put my book down, and went downstairs. To my surprise, my Aunt was sitting in the kitchen, and she... she was crying? I slowly approached her.
'Why are you so upset?' I asked in a whispering voice.
'Oh um, why are you up so early? I could feel her not wanting me there. 'Are you OK?' I asked. 'Yeah, I'm totally fine, I just lost control of my emotions, that's all.' I didn't believe her, but I knew better than to ask her anything else. I made myself a coffee, and while stirring it, I tried to seak something out of my aunt's face. She was trying really hard on making an emotionless face, but with no success. After finishing my coffee, I couldn't watch my aunt struggling with her tears longer. 'Whatever upset you, I'm sure it has to do with Uncle Martin. The best way to deal with him, is to let him do what he wants. Your opinion will only make it worse.' I said, and placed my coffee mug in the sink.


As I climbed on the bus, I automatically searched for Ethan. Unfortunately, he wasn't there. I sat down on an empty seat, and looked out the window. The bus slowly started gaining speed, when I spotted him running after the bus.
'STOP THE BUS!!!' I shouted,  running to the driver without thinking.
The driver steps on the brakes, and looks at me, terrified.
The whole bus was staring at me.
'Uh... my friend.. he wants to get on the bus outside....'
The driver calms down and lets Ethan in. I try to walk casually back to my seat. He follows me and sits down beside me. I wait for him to catch his breath.
'Thanks' he says, still panting.
'No problem. I guess.'
'Why did you do it?' he asks, what I was praying for not to.
'Do what?' I ask.
'I'm sure you don't need an explanation.'
'Fine. But first, you'll tell me your last name.' I say, and now it was my turn to smile.
'Hahaha, OK, I will. But I need to say, the smile you're wearing right now really suits ya.' And now he smiles too.
'Don't waste my time.' I roll my eyes.
'OK. My last name's Jaso.' And he looks at me.
'Ethan Jaso.' I whisper.
'Yep, that's me.' He smiles. 'You like it?'
I shake my head to stop thinking of his name. 'Like what?'
'Well, the name you were whispering to yourself.' And of course he smiles.
'I was just trying to memorize it.' I answered. Oh shoot. What have I said?
'Ooh, thats great! You wanna remember my name? What for?' I hope you guys can picture him smiling at every word of his, so I don't need to remind you.
'Forget what I said.'
'But why did you want to memorize my name???' I just couldn't change subject.
'CAUSE IT'S CUTE, OK?' I yelled at him, and my thoughts slipped out my mouth. Oh god no no no no.
'I knew you liked it!' He said in a tone, as if he just won the Olympics.
'Will you ever stop?' I wanted to look him in the eyes, but instead of trying to frighten him, I got lost in his beautiful chestnut colored eyes.
'As a fact, no I won't.' Then he let out a smile more perfect then all of his recent smiles together.'
The bus stopped, and we both got off.
I accidently grabbed his hand.
'Hey, what are you doing?' He asked, looking at our hands.
'Uhh.....sorry about that...' as I let go of his hands, my face went scarlet red.
'It's ok, if you want, we could walk like this.' And I suddenly looked up at him, his eyes sparkling... and his mouth smiling. Why is a so perfect guy talking to me? Shouldn't he need to go and talk to some bitches?
'Wait what? But we're not even friends!!' I panicked.
'We can change that as well. Which school do you go to?'
'I go to Oakmont High.' I answered.
'Oh cool, I go to Redwood, not far from there.'
'Yeah, I know how far it is. It's not hard when it's in the same town, ya know.' I checked my watch. Oh god, 10 more minutes till school starts.
'I think both of us need to go now!' I informed him.
'Oh, right. Well, nice talking to you. Now, for real.' (Guess what. He smiled.)
'OK, bye.' I bidded.
'Meet here after school?' He called back.
'Yeah, OK!' Wait. Did I just go into a meeting with him?? Why isn't my brain controlling? Is it...is my heart that took over..?

At school we took biology exams. The reading I did early morning really helped remember the details as well.
I wrote down everything there was in the book about hormones, then wrote down a few interesting facts I found on the internet about them. When I handed it in, I still had enough time to get out my doodling book and I started drawing. After about 15 minutes I realised what I have drawn.
OMG, I can't believe I drew the page full of Ethan's smiles!!! Ack! I ripped out the sheet, but I couldn't get my hands to tear it up. I slipped the drawing in my backpack, and rested my head on the desk until class ended. Stupid hormones...

After school, I walked to the bus stop. While I waited, I got the tingles again. This friend thing can't go much longer...
'Oh, hi Elena!' As Ethan pronounced my name, it sounded so... beautiful.
'Hi...' I turned to look at a beautiful deep red rose clenched in his hands.
'What's with the rose?' I asked, as I didn't take my eyes off it.
'Well, it's actually for you!' And I looked up at him with my wide eyes to see him smiling.
'M...me? W..why?' And there I go stuttering.
'It's a sign of our friendship.

I held the rose, my hands shaking, my heart wanting to jump out my throat

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I held the rose, my hands shaking, my heart wanting to jump out my throat. He says it's just friendship...

So, uh, want to go for a walk?' And I felt him staring at my lips.
'Yeah, I guess a walk couldn't hurt. But where are we going?' I asked.
'You'll see!' and he offered me his hand.
I didn't even hesitate. Holding each other's hand, we went walking... somewhere... I had no idea where he was taking me but... I felt like I'll be safe with him...

Vote, comment, and read as much as Ethan smiles!
Love, Z.♡

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