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After about 15 minutes of silent walking, we came to a halt.
'Here we are.' he said.
We were outside of town, where there were no more buildings, no cars, only pure nature.

We were outside of town, where there were no more buildings, no cars, only pure nature

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'Oh....' this was the only thing that came out of me. I went to school in this town, and I still didn't know this place existed.
'Do you like it?' this was all he asked. And he didn't smile this time. He looked deep in my eyes and tried to seek my feelings.
'I... I actually....yeah.... it's just so peaceful here. Thanks for bringing me here.' We sat down, not letting go of eachother's hands. I knew he was almost a stranger but, something told me I'm safe with him, wherever we are, or whatever we do.
'I live here.' he added, out of no where.
'Oh.... I see.'
'Want to go meet the farm animals?'
'Uh, sure. It's Friday anyways.' I answered.
We walked down the hill, and headed for their farm. Once we were on their front balcony, he looked at me.
'One second, I'll let my mom know I'm home.'
'Go ahead.' I said without looking up from the sunflowers they had by the sides of their house.
'Hey mom, I'm home! I just have a new friend over, we'll be at the animals, OK?'
'Hey sweetie! Oh, sure thing, go ahead, have fun!' answered a woman's voice, which turned out to be her mother.
Her mother seemed to be so nice, and I've never heard a voice so peaceful before. My aunt always sounded like a dying crow... Ethan's mother made me feel welcome here, and I've never felt anything simular before.

'OK, so, I need to feed Amigo, want to watch?'
'Yeah, OK I'll come.' and followed him to the feed room, where he filled a bucket with grain, then we went outside and....
'He's Amigo????' I shrieked, and backed away. I was face to face, with a real life horse!!!!!
'Yeah, he's a horse. I know your scared of horses.' he said.
'You do? How do you kno...'
Ethan inturrupted. 'Well, that's how we met. You yelled you hate horses, remember?' he reminded me.
'Oh, right. So then if you know that, why are we here?' I asked, frusturated.
'Calm down, Elena! I just want you to meet Amigo! Just come closer to him. Don't worry...' and as he said that, the feeling of me being safe with him came back at once.
'Well... OK... If you say so...' and I drew closer and closer to the horse, feeling safer at every step.
'Good job! Now... just pet him on the nose. He loves that!' instructed Ethan's voice. I felt like if he says so, I would do anything he wants me to... it was like... like his words trapped me into doing what he asks. This could get dangerous, said my brain, but my heart disagreed.

I petted Amigo on his nose, and I.. suddenly felt...happy. Happiness was filling my body. It was like, I could communicate with my parents threw the horse. It felt... magical.
'Are you OK?' worried Ethan.
'I've... never been better...'
'Elena, it doesn't look like you hate horses to me. What made you think that?' I knew he'd ask. But I felt like I need to tell him.
'My parents were naturals when it came to horses. But... they... they had a...' tears came down my face, and I started to cry silently, that made me choke.
'Shh... it's OK... I'm sorry I asked something so personal. I didn't think it was this serious.' And then he did something I'll never forget. He hugged me from behind me, and then I... I felt his lips press on my neck. I started crying even harder, and he tried to soothe me with his kisses. Which eventually worked. I stopped crying and got the tingles again. Then I turned to face him. He looked deep into my teary eyes, and folded my frizzy brown hair behind my ears. Then he... he lowered his lips to mine and... and from then I didn't even know what happened. Feeling his soft lips against mine was like sitting on a cloud... My heart was pounding like crazy, and our times on the bus appeared out of no where. I could see us shouting, slapping, and being complete jerks with the other.
When he broke our lips apart, all these memories disappeared. We kissed on the 2nd day!!! That's just nuts!!
'Feel better now?'
'Yeah.' I admitted in a sore voice. Did I.. did he.. we were..? I was in a total shock. I looked up at Ethan to see if he felt the same way. I should've known. He was wearing his same annoying, but beautiful smile.

Amigo's eyes were twinkling, as he saw the whole thing happen.
'He sure is a rascal horse.' Ethan scratched him on the neck. Amigo let out a pleased, soft neigh.
'You sure love him.' I said, watching them happily.
'We're buddies! Right Amigo?' Amigo nodded like he agreed with Ethan.
'Good boy!' Ethan gave him a carrot.
'Nice trick!' I admitted.
'Want to go on a ride? I have a horse that fits you.'
'I uh....' My parents would have been so upset, if I didn't ride.. I need to show them I'll ride in memoriam of their accident!
'I'm in!' I said firmly.
'That's a girl! Here, come, I'll introduce you to her.' Ethan led me to another pasture, where a beautiful dark brown mare was grazing.

When we approached her, she lifted her head, and walked up to us, her ears showing curiosity

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When we approached her, she lifted her head, and walked up to us, her ears showing curiosity.
'What's her name?' I asked, while watching the mare look for treats.
'Vaquera. It means cowgirl in spanish.'
'What's with all these spanish names? Your horse, Amigo means friend in spanish, right?' I asked, hoping to be right.
'Yeah, it does mean friend. My father is spanish, and I like to name my horses in spanish.'
'Oh, I get it now. And so is Jaso?'
'Yes.' He answered blankly.
'What does it mean?'
'Uh... some kind of grass...not so cool after you translate it.' he says, while he gives a sugar cube to Vaquera.
'I still like it...' I whisper.
'Yeah... we step on grass all the time, but we never realise how strong they are.'
'What do you mean?' He asks, curiously.
'If we'd look back, we could see the grass standing up after it was stepped on.' I tell him, while I look in his eyes and see nothing else, than astonishment.
'People don't realise how strong I am, because they never stay long enough to see me stand up.' He whispers, then looks at me.
'No one ever put it that way.' I smile at him.
'So, are we still going riding?' I ask, adventurously.
'Sure thing! Come on, let's get the saddle and bridle.

Hope you enjoyed this part!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 14, 2019 ⏰

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