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I walked around Neverland with Devin, who is a very kind Lost Boy might I add, under Pan's orders. Pan doesn't trust me alone. Not since I tried running away.

"So Devin what do you want to do?" I usually walk to Mermaid Lagoon, another reason Pan doesn't trust me alone.

"I don't know.... maybe we can go find the travelers on the island." I nearly jumped at that. It sounded like fun! And I love fun.

"Lets go!" Big mistake. By me yelling Pan heard me. I nearly cursed under my breath.

"No you ain't going anywhere (Y/N). Everytime you go on this 'big' trip, do you know who has to look for you?" Pan looked at me, his hands behind his back.

"You?" I knew the answer. Last time I was almost died in the Mermaid Lagoon.

"That's right. So what is the answer?" Pan smirked, knowing that it gets to me.

"No." I signed and he patted my head.

"Good girl. Devin go back to camp." As soon as those word left Pan's mouth Devin was gone.

"Why are you always ruining my fun Malcom." Now I was the one smirking.

"Tck. Tck. Tck. (Y/N) what have I told you about calling me Malcom." Let me tell you it was more then I could count.

"More then enough." I looked down and Pan circled me.

"That's right. Now I think this little Lost Girl needs a punishment don't you." Pan smirk grew.

"Yes." I looked up at Pan and he pulled me into a kiss.

"Now Felix will bring you to the cage." As if he was there the whole time, Felix came out from behind the tree and put me in the cage.

Ok so this isn't a request but is dedicated to a good friend of mine Me_And_The_Books who is like in LOVE with OUAT Peter Pan.
Just alittle news! My Birthday is on September 4th and I will be turning 14! And also my school starts on my birthday where Me_And_The_Books and I go to school. Not telling where we go to school. Anyway be happy I updated!
And if you want to request, they are open, comment on the request page or message me or email my from
Goodbye my loves!

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