21. In The Room

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I was still leaning on Colby shoulder as the guys were trying to talk.

"Well let's hope the hilusinations and passouts end." Sam said in determination. I lifted my head and leaned toward to listen to what he has to say.

"How?" Jake asked. "Ok. For the passouts we can't really do anything about that but for the hilusinations if someone is talking to you then ignore them for a few seconds then they know." He explained.

"But what if the hilusinations talk to you." I asked setting my elbows on my knees. "Ignore them until they go "oh your real" and thats the code to tell if their real." I nodded leaning my body back, resting my hands behind me.

"Alright I'm beat. I'm going to bed." I stood up and grabbed my phone. "Goodnight!" I waved as I walked to the door. "Goodnight!" Then running came up to me.

"I'm going to bed too." Blake smiled as I opened the big brown front door. "Ok." I smiled back and walked over to our house.

Opening the white door for some reason have me chills as I walked in. Cool air brushed against my face and hair causing my hair to fly back for a second. It was nice and refreshing.

I walked upstairs as Blake walked over to his room downstairs. When I reached my door I saw Dillons door open.

"Hey blake!" I shoutedstill staying up stairs. "Yea!" He shouted but sound so faint. "Did you go in Dillons room?!" I shouted back his reply shocked me. "No!" Then my heart thumped faster. When I came in earlier today it was closed.

I slowly tip toed over to his room. My breathing races faster each step I took. I creeped my head through the door way to see inside his room. No one was there so I decided to stand up and look around.

He packed up everything, but why is some of his stuff here?

I saw I book it notebook on the nightstand. I trotted over curiously wanting to know whats in it.

I opened it to see blank lines. "I know you too well Dillon." I opened the drawer below the nightstand. I saw like some hidden compartment on the side of the wooden box. I opened the latch and saw a white writing utensil.

"Invisible ink." I opened the notebook again and flashed the light and saw writing. It read something inside.

"I love her. I love Kara and I hope she feels the same but telling her what I did will make her never see me again. She is the love of my life and she would break if she found out."

I read the passage on the first page.

Find out what? What did you do Dillon?

My thoughts run through my brain. What was he hiding? I flipped to the second page.

"I just got the stuff I needed today which was the drugs. I was gonna do it today but I couldn't cause my mind always came to Kara.

I am though jealous when she keeps hanging out with Blake, Sam, and colby. She's all lovey dovey on them. I wish she would do the same to me."

My heart stopped so he was doing the drugs. My curiosity rushed so I flipped to the next page.

"So I havnt told my diary about what I did so I'll tell it now. What I did was wrong. Since I was friends with Kara since like forever I've known her. Her friend Cameron always hung around and it annoys me.

One day I decided to do something. She was over at Cameron's house hanging out with his brother. I hope they weren't dating so this could work. I told Josh that Kara was so in love with him. He believed me.

Then Kara called the police that night. I acted like everything was fine but then I found out I had to move.

I did. Then on Instagram there was pictures of her and Blake together like in every picture! So that's when the bad thing happened.

I took a plane back to LA and saw Cameron. I talked to him and told him lies about Kara so he could stay away from her. He believed me so it worked."

I read all of that aloud. I quickly turned my head hoping Blake wasn't there. I sighed in relief but then found out what Dillon did. He got rid of my friends cause of jealousy.


I'm glad I kicked him out. Then I looked across the room. And saw a broken collage. I walked over to pick up the photos. They were all of me and him. But some had Blake. Blake's face was X'd off.

Then I found a note behind one of them. It was my favorite picture of me and Blake.

"I can't wait till Blake dies. Me and Cameron will do something."

My heart dropped. I couldn't let Blake find this so I stuffed the note in my pocket. I looked around hoping Blake wasn't around. The coast was clear so I quickly took the notebook and invisible pen into my room. I hid it underneath my bed so no one can find it.

I took a few breathes and shut my eyes. My arms and legs just rest as I slowly drifted asleep.


I woke up feeling slightly drowsy but I managed to get up and out of bed. I yawned and stretched my arms up as I walked out the door.

I basically fumbled down the stairs cause I slipped like twice and somehow still saved myself.

"Blake?" I called out but not too loud in case he's asleep. I had no reply so he must've been asleep. I quickly grabbed some cinnamon toast crunch, a bowl, and some milk.

I ate away my cereal then rinsed the dish off. I walked towards the front door then looked down to see if it's ok to dress like this.

I was wearing the Same clothes as yesturday. Nice. I walked out of the door and sat on the cold patio about 10 feet away from the front door.

I must've waken up early cause it was still slightly dark blue in the sky with a few stars.

My mind was washed as I starred up at the sky. I leaned back placing my hands behind my head so I wouldn't have to rest my head on the hard rock patio. It does feel like a hard rock.

Then my mind reminded me of yesturday. The note that I stuffed in my pocket was still there. The things Dillon was writing in his notebook worried me.

Why the heck would he do this to me if he was a great friend?

My mind pondered on that question. Also the question on why would he and Cameron do something to Blake? He's just a friend don't they understand that?!

Apperantly not.

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