Chapter 1

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I walked around the city with my best friend, Kora. "Okay, let's go to this Starbucks," I point to the Starbucks right next to us, "and check the update accounts. I know they're around here somewhere." I take out my phone while we walk into Starbucks. "So I'm dming this update account and she said that her insiders say theyre on...21st street? Where is that?" I ask Kora. She's not saying anything, so I look up at her and she looks at me. "Um..we're on 21st street," she says, then looks back to where she was looking, "and there they are." My eyes widen and I look over to see no other than Calum, Luke, Michael, and Ashton ordering. "Ohmygod," I say, quickly opening my camera and taking candid pictures of them, tweeting them rapidly. "Hayley if you don't go over and talk to Calum I will personally go over and tell him you're too scared to and embarrass you in front of your idol," Kora says. I take a deep breath and walk over. "Um..hi Calum," I say. He turns around and I almost collapse. Oh my god I'm gonna die today is the day I'm going to pass out. "Are you okay? You look like you're not feeling too well," Calum says. "Yeah," I say with a light chuckle, "I'm fine." I take a deep breath to calm myself down. "Can I get a picture with you guys?" I ask. They nod and I wave Kora over. We both get pictures with them, and Calum sneaks me and individual selfie. "Thank you guys! Sorry for bothering you about this," I say. Calum shakes his head. "It's no problem at all, babe," he says. "Were you gonna get anything? I could buy you something," Michael says. "It's fine we have money," I say, taking out my wallet. When I open it, there's no money. "Oh.." I say quietly. I don't want them to buy me Starbucks. I'll feel so guilty. "It's really fine!" Michael says. "Are you sure? I'll feel guilty," I say. "Really. What do you usually order?" Michael asks. He orders for me and pays. "Don't feel guilty, okay? Think of it as..paying you back," he says, slightly rubbing my back. My face goes red at his touch. "For what?" I ask. "Buying our albums, going to concerts, just being an overall amazing fan," he says. I could throw up right then and there. Holy shit. "T-thank you," I say. "Why don't we get your Twitter?" he asks. "Well you and Luke already follow me," I say. Calum and Ashton take out their phones. "What's your twitter?" they ask. I tell them my Twitter name and they both follow me. I wanna flip out, but they'd think I'm weird, so I decide I'm gonna freak out while waiting in line for their show. "Well we'll see you around, we have to go get ready for our show. Are you coming to it?" they ask. Kora and I nod. "We can get you into the front row, don't worry," Ashton says with a wink.

While we're waiting in line, I get tapped on the shoulder. I turn around to see a security guard. "Are you Hayley and Kora?" he asks. I nod. "Follow me please," he says, walking away. Kora and I get weird looks as we walk past everyone. They all probably think we got in trouble or something. "The boys told me to come find you two," he says as we approach a back door. My hands are sweating. Why are they even doing this?! We're just fans who annoyed them at Starbucks. We walk through the back door and get lead down a hallway. There are a couple doors and we get to an open space with couches, a TV, and a couple mirrors. I hear muffled music coming from behind one of the doors and I'm assuming they're doing soundcheck. "The boys are almost done with soundcheck, so just stay here until they come back I guess," he says, walking away. This is the Where We Are tour, so One Direction are here too. That makes me even more stressed. My two favorite boy bands/bands in the same room as me. Backstage at their concert. "Who are those girls?" I hear someone whisper to one of the security guards. I look up from my phone and see Niall. The security guard explains why we're backstage and he nods and walks over with a smile. "Hey! What are your names?" he asks as he sits on the couch in front of the one were sitting on. We introduce ourselves and he offers to take pictures with us since he knows we're fans. "So why did they bring you back here?" Niall asks, sitting back on the couch and crossing his legs. I decide to sit criss cross and shrug. "We just met them at Starbucks, Michael and Calum bought us some coffee," I lift up the Starbucks in my hand, "and now here we are. They said they can get us in the front row." Niall nods. "Do they do this a lot?" I ask. "Y'know, take fans backstage and buy them Starbucks?" Niall shakes his head and is about to say something before the boys come in looking sweaty from their soundcheck. God, Calum is so hot. I smile at them and Michael gets a bottle of water before sitting next to me. "Why are you so sweaty?" I ask, feeling stupid for asking right after it comes out of my mouth, being its completely obvious why he's so sweaty. I mentally slap myself and he chuckles. "It's hard work out there. It may not look like much but it's a good workout." I smile and nod awkwardly, looking down at my lap. I pick up my phone again and continue texting my internet friends about this. We're all in a group chat and they're all flipping out. "Hey, Luke?" I say, looking up from my phone at him. He looks at me, waiting for me to continue. I look down and pull up my camera. "My friend, Saige, wants me to get a video of you saying hi and that you love her and all that cute sappy shit," I say with a laugh. He smiles and takes my phone, making a really cute video for my friend and kissing the camera at the end. "She's gonna flip out thank you," I say, giggling a little bit. I send it to her and the guys lead us out onto the stage so we can sit in our seats while they go to the meet and greet. "Hayley?" I ask. "Yeah?" she asks. We stare blankly at the stage. "What's going on right now?"

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