Lies. Lies. Even more lies!

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After being ever so viciously forced to go find where Kiibo went, Kokichi just decided to not do as he was asked. He knew this would lead to trouble from the others, but do you think he would listen to them? Of course not. After all! He's Kokichi! (Wait no one laughed? Fair enough. It wasn't funny anyway, I'm tired while writing this help).
"I'm not just gonna waste my precious free time on Kiiboy. I have so many better things to do with my life! Just like... Uh.." He stopped in his tracks to think for a moment. After realising he actually had nothing planned, he sighed and headed to Kiibo's lab first, he might be there. "Honestly if he's not here the only place left I can think of is his dorm. I'm not a mind reader. Or a stalker... Hmm, actually what would it be like to stalk someone...."

After some time of thinking to himself and getting off-track, Ouma finally remembered what he was supposed to be doing. Just as he was going to head all the way to the lab he heard a familiar deep voice approach "Hey, what're you doing just dawdling out here?" Kokichi turned around and immediately recognised who it was, so he decided to have a little fun. "I'm-" he stared at the direction the voice came from, confused. "Wait, where did you hide off to?"
"Look down." Spoke The ultimate tennis player.
"I knew it was Youuu, I just wanted to make your gears twist. But what're you doin' here?" Kokichi questioned him, wanting to just go back to his pondering about existence for a while. After, Ryoma explained that the best place to check first would be Kiibo's dorm since "you're technically right outside it, or are you just trying to get out of having to do what you're told?" Avoiding  Ryoma's final question, Kokichi sighed and headed towards the dorms. Carelessly, he walked backwards up the stairs, knowing of the dangers but not really caring. He hesitantly knocked on Kiibo's dorm room. "Hey, Kiiiiiboy. Come out or let me in already. Shuichi wants to know what's up." Kokichi leaned on the door, not wondering on what to do if Kiibo wasn't even in.

The door could be heard unlocking and opening. "Kokichi? Why did Shuich-" Suddenly a loud thud was heard on the floor, taking Kiibo by surprise. He nervously opened the door fully and glanced down to find Kokichi on the floor.
"Kokichi are you serious? Were you actually leaning against the door or something?"
"Of course not!" After 5 seconds of silence he spoke up again. "That was a lie. If you couldn't tell"
"I could tell. You do it all the time Kokichi. It's nothing new to me." Kiibo explained while rolling his eyes.
"Soooo." Kokichi began. "I don't really care what anyone else bosses me around to do."
Kiibo then began to ask why he even listened to Shuichi if he apparently 'doesn't listen to what anyone else tells him to do'. He believed it to be kinda confusing. "Uh, can you help me up?"
"You have the ability to get up yourself Kokichi." Kiibo refused. Ouma just groaned loudly before slowly getting up, he was acting as if he was struggling to try and make the robot feel bad for him, but his attempts failed since he got used to Kokichi's lying.

"Maybe we should just go back to the dining hall, I feel slightly more comfortable being with you around other people-" Kokichi immediately interrupted Kiibo, trying to act offended. "Ugh! I can't believe you would say something like that! I honestly feel very hurt! You don't hate me do you Kiiboy?" Kiibo obviously realised that this was a lie. Another lie. What did he really expect from someone like the Ultimate Lia- I mean supreme leader. *cough*. As much as he didn't want to, he ended up responding in a way he normally wouldn't. "I-I don't hate you..." He stammered. This answer kinda caught Kokichi by surprise, he wasn't expecting Kiibo to answer so sensitively. It was strange considering the last few replies were more of an argument. Kokichi just ended up trying to forget about it since the robot started to realise what he said had apparently confused Kokichi, making him look down at the floor out of embarrassment. "Jeez, I didn't realise you got flustered so easily, Kiibaby." Kiibo hated that new nickname Kokichi had for him.
"Don't call me such things! And no I don't, it's just when-" Kiibo ended up cutting himself off, not wanting to finish what he was about to say. "Nevermind."
"Mk, Kiibaby." Kokichi but his hands behind his head and mischievously grinned.
"Kokichi, seriously. Please stop."

Monokuma and co. Extras
(Yes I'm gonna add these from now on)

"Jeez, I feel like pops is out of his mind just ending the killing game like this." Mumbled Monosuke
A hyped up Monokid loudly agreed. "HELL YEAH! The killing game would've been so fun to watch! Damn. Papa Kuma sure screwed up on this one!"
"Oh my gosh Monokid!" An agitated Moniphanie loudly whispered. "You do realise daddy can just come in at any time, right?" Speaking of the devil, the bear made his way into the scene by somehow teleporting as per usual.
"Sooo, what did I miss, my cute little cubs?" The stuffed toy delightfully questioned.
Monodam decided to take this into his own hands. "DO-NOT-WORRY.EVERYTHING-IS-COMPLETELY-UNDER-CONTROL."
"Damn, when Monodam even bothers to speak it's really lame."  Monokid continued to bully Monodam, despite the others' pleads to stop. "..."
"Monokid, I'm serious. Now you're starting to bug me." Monosuke sighed while glancing over at Monotaro, who was struggling to fix his broken Exisal.
"Alright, you guys can just go do you, be adorable as usual. Puhuhuhu." And he disappeared just like that.

"So long, bear well!"

Love gears (Kiibouma fanfic) Danganronpa V3Where stories live. Discover now