I Can't Do This [T.H.]

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A/N: So here's another request I got. Here ya go Arabella_Joyy! I hope I did the story right. And to everyone else, please send in your requests! This will also help with the speed of my updating as I would have more ideas to work with!

You and Tom had gone through so much in your relationship, but you somehow survived and made it to this point. So here you were, roughly two years after your wedding, Tom was holding you around the waist as you held your new born baby girl in your arms. You breathed in steadily as you took your first step out of the hospital. You had a million doubts running through your head.

"What if I'm not good enough?"

"How do I handle this?"

"So many people say I'm too young, what if I am?"

Tom sensed your hesitancy, he immediately held you tighter to give you a sense of comfort.

"What's wrong, love?" He gently asked.

"What if I'm not good enough," you said quietly as you looked down to the small ray of sunlight you held in your arms.

"Honey, look at me," he said as he gentky lifted your chin up.

"All I can say is this, somehow, you've dealt with me through all my antics and celebrity crap that came with me. So, I don't believe that you couldn't handle raising our little bean," he grinned at you.

You smiled softly and placed a kiss on his lips as you both moved towards the car.

"Also, you just gave birth and you're walking, they told you to take a wheel chair!" He scolded

You rolled your eyes at him and got in the car, carefully handling your little girl.

Later that night, you were preparing for yours and his parents to visit. You already had Joanne in her crib in your room. You were sitting in a chair beside the crib, still worrying about the whole dilemma. Once again, Tom came to the rescue and saved you from you dimming thoughts.

At around half past six, the four arrived with gifts and food filling up their hands.

"Oh my goodness guys! You didn't have to bring all these!" You exclaimed as Tom helped them with all the things they were carrying.

"Like hell, my daughter gave birth to my first grandchild, I can spoil them as much as I want," your mom smiled.

You laughed and she pulled you into a hug, tears threatening to spill out of both your eyes. But somehow you both made it out without a single tear shed.

"Oh! And thanks so much as well Nikki! You and Dom out did yourselves with the gifts!" You said as you turned to hug Tom's mom.

"Nonsense honey, just like your mom said, we should be able to spoil our first grandchild," she smiled.

The rest of the evening went without a hitch. You all ate and the rest of the night was spent gushing over little Joaane. Then a few hours later, they all left and you bid your goodbyes.

"See that wasn't that bad," Tom smiled.

"I guess you were right," you smiled up at him.

The rest of the week flew by so fast, and before you knew it, it was the day that Tom's siblings and best friends would come over to meet the baby. This time, you were less nervous, well, you were actually excited for this.

Harrison, Tuwaine, Sam, Harry, and Paddy, all arrived at once. And again, all their hands were full of gifts and food. They instantly started bickering about who got the best gifts or who brought more. You simply rolled your eyes at their antics.

You soon brought out Joanne and carefully set her out on her little niche in the living room. All the guys stopped their bickering and made their way to the baby.

"Look at that smile!" Paddy exclaimed.

"She's way too cute to be your child, mate," Tuwaine joked.

"That's true man, I think she got all her looks from her mom," Tom replied.

I blushed and gave him a quick peck on the cheek. In around five minutes, the guys were bickering again. They were fighting over who Joanne smiled at more. The antics escalated and somehow Harrison had his socks on his ears and the twins were makinga all sorts of faces. Tuwaine and Paddy were too busy laughing their asses off to even join the "competition"

You soon had to drag them away from Joanne so all of you could have lunch. You quickly finished up your meal and excused yourself so you could breast feed the baby. While you were away the boys talked about how well you were handling everything.

"It's crazy how well she's got the whole mom thing under her grips already," Harrison said.

"I know," Tom said proudly.

"But she was having intense doubts the first few days, even up to now," he continued.

"I read that that's perfectly normal, just continue to be there for her, man," Harry said.

"I will, don't worry," he smiled up at them.

A few minutes later, you came back out, this time without a baby in hand.

"Where's Joanne," Sam asked.

"She fell asleep after I fed her," You smiled as you sat beside Tom and leaned your head on his shoulder.

"She's just like you!" Paddy laughed.

You laughed along, but soon yawned and burried your head in Tom's neck.

"You look really tired," Harry said.

"We'll clean up here, you two need rest," Sam smiled.

"You guys are the best," you smiled as you and Tom walked over to the bedroom and quickly fell asleep.

And once again, faster than expected, two months had gone by. Relatives and friends had come by to say their hello's and leave some gifts. Your apartment ws full of baby items now, and you and Tom would joke that you didn't even have to buy anything for Joanne because everyone was giving you everything you needed.

Tom, you and Joanne were invited to a cast get together of the Spider-Man group. You and Tom were happy to to reply saying that you'd be there. This would be your first time together out as a family.

The day of the dinner came and you and Tom started preparing. You opted to wear a halter dress and put baby Joanne in a matching jumpsuit. Tom wore a button down shirt that matched the shade of you and Joanne's clothing.

The three of you soon arrived at the restaurant and by the time you arrived, everyone was already there. They all stood up to greet you and quick hello's and coos over Joanne were spread.

"You guys matching is so cute it's disgusting," Jacob joked and everybody laughed.

Dinner was extremely entertaining, you kind of forgot what it was like to be out and about with friends again, but this refreshed your memory and you were thankful for that.

Once again, Joanne was the center of attention, everyone was trying to get her to giggle along with their antics. And soon, Joanne deemed that Jacob was her favorite by latching onto him and letting him carru her. The others groaned in defeat and you and Tom simply laughed at their little games.

Tom looked down to meet your eyes and you both smiled.

"I told you everything was gonna be fine," Tom smiled.

"I love you," you whispered.

"I love you more," he whispered back

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 17, 2018 ⏰

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