05: 싸움 (The Fight)

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Jin feels weird around Namjoon now. He can't stop thinking about what his hyung said every time he sees him, the kisses on his neck that gave him chills, the kiss on the lips... He doesn't feel repulsed or anything, just... awkward. He barely speaks to him now, and he wonders if Namjoon notices that he's been kind of avoiding him for the past few weeks.

He has stopped going to Yoongi's as much, and it's kind of disappointing to Taehyung and Jimin. Sometimes Jungkook will come over though, and Taehyung is happy.

Yoongi says that Namjoon has always been a pervert, and reminds him that Namjoon was drunk, so Jin should probably let it go, but Yoongi must have told Namjoon because he now wants to talk about it, and Jin just doesn't. He knows that they probably should, but Jin doesn't want to because he knows it will more then likely mean that things will change between them. Jin doesn't know if he wants to be more than friends with Namjoon. He doesn't know if he's ready for that yet.

He doesn't know if he's ready to love someone else like he loved Eunji.

Jin feels like a mess. He isn't really sure on what to do or who to talk to about it, but eventually, he figures giving Namjoon a chance is the only option.

It's late one night. Taehyung came over and so did Jungkook, but Jimin didn't. Namjoon won't stop texting Jin about it, saying he's sorry, saying he really wants to talk about it, asking if he can come over.

Jin gives in.

'If you wanna talk, I'll come to Yoongi's if that's where you're at. Tae and Jungkook are here.'

And Jin's already going over to Yoongi's before he gets a response. Just as he opens the door, he gets that reply.

'Wait, I'm not there, don't go over.'

But he doesn't see it.

What he does see though, is Yoongi fucking Jimin into the couch, and really Jin is angry even though he isn't sure if he has a right to be. They're not related- Jimin isn't really his little brother.

But Jin thinks of him as one so he decides that he does have a right to be angry. Especially because Yoongi is nineteen and Jimin is sixteen, making Jimin underage.

Especially because Yoongi was supposed to be his friend.

Especially because, according to the text he got from Namjoon that he just now saw, Namjoon has known about it.

"What the fuck?" Jin says, wanting to cry because why? Why this now? "What are you fucking doing?!"

Yoongi jumps away from Jimin so quick, a panicked look on his face as he covers them both. "Hyung-"

"What the hell are you doing?!" Jin nearly shouts, and Yoongi looks away. "Jimin, why are you with him?! You're sixteen!"

"I'm sorry, Hyung," Jimin says, sitting up a bit, lip between his teeth. "I'm so sorry, I just... I asked him to..."

"How long?" Jin asks, oddly calm sounding, but neither answer so he asks again but louder. "How fucking long has this shit been going on?!"

"Two weeks..." Yoongi whispers, pinching the bridge of his nose.

"Two weeks-!?" Jin almost screeches, but Jimin cuts him off.

"Hyung, please stop..." He says softly. "Please calm down. I know that you think of me as your little brother, but I'm not little anymore. I may only be sixteen but I know what I'm doing. I know that I love Yoongi, and that I want this. I want to be with him. I know what love feels like."

"But you don't know because you're a kid, and kids don't understand l-"

"Hyung, you did, remember?"

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